Best 7 quotes of Kelly Loy Gilbert on MyQuotes

Kelly Loy Gilbert

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    Kelly Loy Gilbert

    And I believed him. It was genuine, that confusion, and that was the first time I really saw him, I think- when I understood that his social persona was concealing none of what I'd always thought it was, but actual kindness instead, that there was a kind streak at his core.

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    Kelly Loy Gilbert

    And how if I were the kind of person who deserved her, everything would be more clear.

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    Kelly Loy Gilbert

    Art doesn't change the ending. It doesn't let you lose yourself that way--the opposite, really; it calls you from the darkness, into the glaring, unforgiving light. But at least--this is why it will always feel like a calling to me--it lets you not be so alone.

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    Kelly Loy Gilbert

    From watching my parents I think being married or being with someone else in any kind of real way takes a certain amount of bravery, and it's not something I'm positive I have in me. To pluck your heart from your chest that way and hand it to someone, unprotected, and wait to see how gently they'll stitch it back in for you, or not--to wake up all those days you're the crappiest version of yourself and face the person who knows you best, morning after morning, year after year.

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    Kelly Loy Gilbert

    If nothing else there's a comfort in knowing someone's holding space in their own life for what's hurting you. That's the thing that makes life bearable sometimes, I think: that you can feel more than one thing at a time, that it floods into you from so many directions at once.

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    Kelly Loy Gilbert

    I have that feeling I get sometimes around Trey, that there's a huge gap between how much you matter to a person and how much they matter to you.

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    Kelly Loy Gilbert

    Something crackles on my skin like a fire. He felt me in that moment, he understood what it was to me.