Best 6 quotes of Sophie Divry on MyQuotes

Sophie Divry

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    Sophie Divry

    Book and reader, if they meet up at the right moment, it can make sparks fly, set you alight, change your life. It can, I promise you.

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    Sophie Divry

    D'un œil sévère, tel un général d'armée s'adonnant à la décimation, je scrutai mon studio à la recherche d'une source potentielle de liquidités. Les objets tremblaient sous mon regard. Pas moi ! Pas moi ! semblaient-ils me dire. Le sort tomba sur le plus jeune : un grille-pain offert à noël et qui ayant adopté les mœurs locales, lisait, le ventre vide, un volume de Jean Racine. Je m'approchai de lui. A ses côtés, la bouilloire électrique poussa un soupir de soulagement. Le grille-pain, comprenant son sort, s'accrocha en pleurant à sa prise électrique. -Quel est mon crime ? Pourquoi m'assassiner ? Qu'ai-je fait ? A quel titre ? Qui te l'a dit ?

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    Sophie Divry

    ...he never so much as looks at me. He just sits there reading his old history books, that really gets me. I ought to go up to him, I really feel this, I should say, Martin, it's so stupid reading all those books. Don't fool yourself, how many of these wretched books do you think you know? Go on, you've got plenty of intelligence, so let's say you read two books a week, for fifty years. In your lifetime, you'll have read how many? Five thousand? That's nothing. Nothing at all, compared to what we have here: two hundred and fifty thousand, seven hundred different books. And in the National Library, they've got fourteen million. We're just cockroaches. So we'd do better to have a bit of fun, look at each other, talk and reproduce, don't you think? If you like, we can go to Versailles, together, any time at all, we can go wherever you want to go, to some beach somewhere, I'll be your Pompadour and we'll love each other until the end of love, hand in hand, we'll gaze at the sea, the sea that begins and ceases and then again begins, the pounding of the surf, the flow of water, the flow of light coming in new every day, fresh surges from the deep, the tide will carry us off, and the flow of paper, every year fifty thousand new titles, fifty thousand books fighting for the chance to come swell our groaning bookshelves, and every year they make me more aware of my limited span, my old age and my insignificance.

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    Sophie Divry

    I prefer the company of books. When I'm reading, I'm never alone, I have a conversation with the book. It can be very intimate. Perhaps you know this feeling yourself? The sense that you're having an intellectual exchange with the author, following his or her train thought and you accompany each other for weeks on end.

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    Sophie Divry

    That's what sofas are for: sit down, drink a cup of tea, talk of literature. At least that's how I see it.

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    Sophie Divry

    To know your way round a library is to master the whole of culture, i.e. the whole world.