Best 5 quotes of Sam J. Charlton on MyQuotes

Sam J. Charlton

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    Sam J. Charlton

    Did it ever occur to you that when he told you he would come back he was lying? Many a man has done it. He probably meant no malice – he just did not want to see your tears and pleading. If you find him in Tarras you may not like what you discover. He won't thank you for crossing 'mountain and down' to find him. Life is not like the songs Avalon, tis far less pretty.

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    Sam J. Charlton

    Men like you should be left to the mercy of women like me.

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    Sam J. Charlton

    Nothing ever stayed the same. There was no force in this world strong enough to withstand the march of time.

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    Sam J. Charlton

    That was the way with folk; full of sympathy for the plight of others until something was asked of them.

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    Sam J. Charlton

    There are different kinds of anger. There is the kind that flares bright, like a fire devouring dry wood – an anger that dies as quickly as it ignites. There is the kind that takes its time to rise, but leaves devastation in its wake when it does. And then, there is the anger that is always there, in the pit of your belly – gnawing, biting and twisting – and reminding you of its presence every waking moment. This is the kind that can kill you, if given enough time.