Best 8 quotes of Lea Mae Laurina on MyQuotes

Lea Mae Laurina

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    Lea Mae Laurina

    Don’t be jealous of evil people. Have no desire to be around them. In their hearts, they plan to do evil. All they talk about is making trouble.

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    Lea Mae Laurina

    Examining your life is a great honor to yourself. Take time to reflect on everything you do. Accept correction from others and learn all you can. In the end, you'll be grateful for doing the things which are necessary to do so.

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    Lea Mae Laurina

    Helping someone is a refreshing moment you can release to other people you showed for.

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    Lea Mae Laurina

    It’s not normal after all when you keep on yourself indignant in other's way of living. Be happy. Accept the reality. Mind your own life and do what makes you joyful. Forgive yourself. Live life to the fullest.

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    Lea Mae Laurina

    Making a decision is hard. But once you have said it, it’s done. Saying never again is to eliminate yourself away from doing something that makes you indifferent. However, saying what you said to be done depends on the situation.

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    Lea Mae Laurina

    Making other people feeling comforted and not disregarded is the best feeling you could give credit for yourself. Anyways, even though you’re not reciprocated in your help, let it be. The most important thing, you help them and it’s not a burden. As long as you are happy in some ways of helping other people all the time, you had the satisfaction.

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    Lea Mae Laurina

    Sometimes, caring deeply for someone doesn’t mean they have feelings for you. They just being caring for some reason that they respected you or they’re just concern. It is just innate to their blood that they show compassion to someone else.

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    Lea Mae Laurina

    We live in this world full of surprises and sacrifices. No matter how hard you tried to please others, there's something that they might say about you, whether it is good or bad. And yet, stay humble.