Best 7 quotes of Elizabeth D. Marie on MyQuotes

Elizabeth D. Marie

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    Elizabeth D. Marie

    He fought to destroy those monsters, yet found they never seemed to die—rising anew every dawn.

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    Elizabeth D. Marie

    It was not a comfortable Throne, this seat made of stone. But power was not supposed to be comfortable.

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    Elizabeth D. Marie

    Often, we speak too hastily. We claim ideals and embrace images and dreams of fantasy. We make promises without thinking about the consequences.

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    Elizabeth D. Marie

    Prayer is not meant to always give us the answers we want. It is not the resting place upon which the scales of our faith and trust are balanced. It is not the reason for faith, but rather the result of a faith we already have.

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    Elizabeth D. Marie

    Strength may win a kingdom, but loyalty holds it together.

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    Elizabeth D. Marie

    We all have a choice—to be monsters or men. It is not a matter of blood, but a condition of the heart.

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    Elizabeth D. Marie

    We will never be as invincible as we wish to be. That is why we help each other. Sometimes our courage is not about our ability, but about knowing our lack of ability and trusting others to step in when we need them.