Best 12 quotes of Alexandra Ivy on MyQuotes

Alexandra Ivy

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    Alexandra Ivy

    A family is like medicine." She twisted her lips into a sardonic smile. "Best in small doses.

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    Alexandra Ivy

    Bon chance, mon ami," Dante called softly. Levet allowed himself a small smile. A vampire who could speak French. He couldn't be all bad.

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    Alexandra Ivy

    Cherie, did the table do something I did not see or were you just attempting to teach it a lesson?” “I was imagining it was Evor.” “Strange, they do not greatly resemble each other.” “I have a good imagination.” “In that case, I do not suppose you are imagining I'm Brad Pitt?

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    Alexandra Ivy

    Even if there was such a thing as a half-price sale at the local Ming outlet shop, she would have to work ten lifetimes to make up such a sum. Always supposing that it wasn't one of a kind. Panic was no longer merely rearing. It was thundering through her at full throttle. There was only one thing to be done, she realized. The mature, responsible, adult thing to do. Hide the evidence.

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    Alexandra Ivy

    I don't know what your damage is, but in case you've failed to notice,we're in a bit of trouble here. Can you focus on something other than trying to get into my pants?" His lips curled. " I can multitask.

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    Alexandra Ivy

    Non-stop action and a hero to die for!

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    Alexandra Ivy

    Oui, oui, he snapped with an obvious lack of awe. "Ding dong the demon's dead, now can we admire our delightful handiwork someplace where the ceiling is not about to cave in and your oh-so-handsome vampire is not about to become a dust bunny? (Levet)

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    Alexandra Ivy

    The low ceiling that was water stained and boasting spiders so large she half expected Frodo and Sam to appear and fight them off.

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    Alexandra Ivy

    This is a private home." "And?" "And I can't enter without an invitation." She jerked her head up. "You're kidding me?" "No." "You don't live in a crypt and you can't turn into a bat, but you have to have an invitation to enter a house?" Abby hissed. A reluctant amusement softened the flat eyes. "You wanted me to be vampirish." "Not when it's inconvenient.

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    Alexandra Ivy

    Viper: "The dark wizard and I had a mild disagreement." Dante: "What sort of disagreement?" Viper: "I thought he should be dead and he disagreed.

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    Alexandra Ivy

    Even paradise had its serpent.

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    Alexandra Ivy

    Why did a demon who possessed the savage strength of a werewolf also need such compelling beauty? It was one of those philosophical questions that had no answer. Like why Firefly had been canceled after just one season.