Best 5 quotes of Ron Lambros on MyQuotes

Ron Lambros

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    Ron Lambros

    Anger creates a tempest within the heart and confusion within the mind. We rage against it and all too often succumb to its evil nature. When that occurs, immediately seek God’s forgiveness and pray for a peaceful heart and mind to return. Anger and peace are spiritual oil and water: they can never be mixed together. With God’s strength, anger can be overcome, so seek peace at all times.

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    Ron Lambros

    Feeling alone or abandoned? Nature sings a symphony of God's presence every moment of the day, from the blue of the sky to the songbird's warble; from the brush of the wind on your face to the cooing of a baby; from the heart beating within your chest to the twinkling of a star's light in the evening sky, they all remind us that He is always with us. And because He is with us, He hears our every cry and every prayer.

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    Ron Lambros

    God does not want our faith kept in mothballs, so He sometimes allows trials and testing to come into our lives; the unexpected hardships and heartbreaks that rock us in places we never thought we'd face as a child of God. And it's in those defining moments that we knock off the cobwebs of our everyday faith and face life with a new and improved one that's empowered by God Himself.

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    Ron Lambros

    The poetry of God is often written with stanzas of tears. Life can be brutal and difficult to understand. We sometimes find ourselves heart-broken and weeping over its circumstances. But God cares and understands. Tears have a language all their own, and tear-filled eyes are not a sign of faltering faith, but of our humanity. If God has put the love in your heart, He also understands its frailty and your tears.

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    Ron Lambros

    Why do we fret and worry and sometimes question if God will answer our prayers when we need them? Remember, prayer is something we do in our time; answering prayers is something God does in His. If you're struggling with the wait, remember that it wasn't until Abraham lifted the knife over Isaac that God provided the substitute ram for a sacrifice. It may be the 11th hour, but if you're faithful, God will answer your prayers, and always in a way and at the time that has His glory and your best interest at heart!