Best 8 quotes in «inspiraional quotes» category
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With Nectar in your Mind instead of Thinking, you have Understanding and Wisdom
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When every minute of your day is planned & you are packed for days, you shall soon realize that the pain of past fades, vision of life gets clearer and all that seemed to poison your life Ceases to exist.
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Start from Raw.... As even Finished Goods... 'the Perfect' are incomplete and impossible without Raw Material.
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The most awesome powers are those not wielded.
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There are no limits to what you can accomplish,except the limits, you place on your own thinking.
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Provide a safe place for people to be their 100% self, this world is already guarded and fearful, trained to keep walls up and throw away the keys. A harden heart is no pure reality and for too long, we have all stood to allow it; so instead of excusing mimisfortune, let's bathe eachother in compassion and grow beyond what we've been taught
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You needed to find happiness within yourself before you get it from another person
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Sebagian besar orang bukanlah musuh siapapun kecuali diri mereka sendiri. Morris Bolter