Best 472 quotes in «debate quotes» category

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    Modernist discourse [...] incorporates semantic devices - such as the labeling of theism as 'religion' and naturalism as 'science' - that work to prevent a dangerous debate over fundamental assumptions from breaking out in the open.

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    Much of the debate over global warming is predicated on fear, rather than science.

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    Nations need to understand their own strengths and weaknesses, and India's tradition of dissent and democratic debate is a positive aspect.

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    My personal missteps - how many Americans have died as a result of that? None. Other than my family, how many victims were there? None. And yet, in refusing to engage in a responsible debate about Iraq, how many Americans died? Thousands. And America seems to have no problem with that.

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    My patriotism and my conscience required me to support it and to engage in the debate over whether and how to fight it.

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    Necessity does not submit to debate.

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    My political career goes back to the '60s and those were times of vigorous debates.

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    Nothing like an arcane literary debate with your tyrannical master while you pass the time leading to your execution.

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    Not sure of my place in the world (still up for debate) and not sure what I wanted to do with my life (not really up for debate).

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    One needs to know what the hierarchy of values are from which one takes inspiration, and in a democratic society this is the subject of continuous democratic debate.

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    Obviously, I'm a fan of satire. I'd debate anyone, but it would have to be the actual person. That would be my only hesitation about debating Stephen Colbert. If he were playing a character, it wouldn't really work.

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    One of the earliest resurrection scenes in the Bible is that of Thomas demanding evidence - he wanted to see, to touch, to prove. Those who question and probe and debate are heirs of the apostles just as much as the most fervent of believers.

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    Our hope is we move beyond denial and into debate... If we cleaned up the air, would it really be bad for us?

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    Palin is smart, politically skilled, courageous and likable. Her convention and debate performances were impressive.

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    Political debate is more interested in manipulating the truth, than finding the truth.

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    Of course 'Hamlet' is a debate about the nature and morality of revenge and whether it is right to do something to assuage your angry feelings.

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    Political debate is political debate and that's fine. That's healthy.

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    Public opinion alone can keep a society pure and healthy.

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    Oh, sure... I was trying to make to make a point that we shouldn't be afraid to debate the left, even on the environment. That was obviously misconstrued, and that's one of the things I probably won't do again

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    Polemical debates happen all the time in France.

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    Questions of absolute good and evil are much better not opened to public debate these days, when so few people are sure of their absolutes

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    Reliable data on the outsourcing of American jobs is sorely missing from the debate on globalization.

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    Reproductive freedom means economic freedom. And that's what this debate is about.

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    Right now we have a bipartisan debate commission, when most Americans are not members of the bipartisan establishment.

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    Say the first word. Set the tone for the conversation. Be poised, prepared, and ready to say the first word in any debate or meeting.

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    Political debate is of no interest to me. What I want are practical solutions.

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    Political differences will always generate a healthy debate, but over time the dialogue has become more hateful and at times violent.

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    Political success is often dependent on the ability to be heard above the din of controversy and debate and to set a course with one's own compass.

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    Science fiction works best when it stimulates debate.

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    Science ... looks skeptically at all claims to knowledge, old and new. It teaches not blind obedience to those in authority but to vigorous debate, and in many respects that's the secret of its success.

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    Scientifically, there's no debate over whether the fetus is alive and human.

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    Shyness is inherently uncomfortable; introversion is not. The traits do overlap, though psychologists debate to what degree.

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    Since I have never one a debate let me tell you how not to lose one.

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    Science cannot resolve moral conflicts, but it can help to more accurately frame the debates about those conflicts.

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    Sincere words are not fine; fine words are not sincere. Those who are skilled (in the Tao) do not dispute (about it); the disputatious are not skilled in it. Those who know (the Tao) are not extensively learned; the extensively learned do not know it.

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    Since we enacted the PATRIOT Act almost three years ago, there has been tremendous public debate about its breadth and implications on due process and privacy.

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    So, we're well aware of the questions that our audience is inevitably going to ask. We're well aware of how carefully they watch the show and hold us to continuity. We're certainly aware of the debates that are going to occur.

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    Stephen A.Douglas was a risk-taker by temperament; I expect that Lincoln - Douglas debates represented another risk he just couldn't resist. He lived to regret it.

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    Specifically, I’d like to debate whether cannibalism ought to be grounds for leniency in murders, since it’s less wasteful.

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    Take our politicians: they're a bunch of yo-yos. The presidency is now a cross between a popularity contest and a high school debate, with an encyclopedia of cliches.

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    That's what we're missing. We're missing argument. We're missing debate. We're missing colloquy. We're missing all sorts of things. Instead, we're accepting.

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    The Commission on Presidential Debates is a corrupt stranglehold on our democracy.

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    Someone please tell me that we’re not seriously having a friggin’ debate over the genius of ‘Karma Chameleon’ at seven o’clock in the morning? (Xypher)

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    Such an emphasis on the immanence of God as Creator in, with, and under the natural processes of the world unveiled by the sciences is certainly in accord with all that the sciences have revealed since those debates of the nineteenth century.

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    Ted Cruz is trying to have a one-on-one debate with Donald Trump.

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    The climate change debate is basically not about science; it is about ideology. It is not about global temperature; it is about the concept of human society. It is not about nature or scientific ecology; it is about environmentalism, about one - recently born - dirigistic and collectivistic ideology, which goes against freedom and free markets.

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    The cure for crime is not the electric chair, but the high chair.

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    The daughter of debate That still discord doth sow.

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    The debate can be put in the form of the question: Resolved, that the best of money managers cannot be demonstrated to be able to deliver the goods of superior portfolio-selection performance. Any jury that reviews the evidence, and there is a great deal of relevant evidence, must at least come out with the Scottish verdict: Superior investment performance is unproved.

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    The debates of that great assembly are frequently vague and perplexed, seeming to be dragged rather than to march, to the intended goal. Something of this sort must, I think, always happen in public democratic assemblies.