Best 28 quotes in «dizzy quotes» category

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    A lot of people call Dizzy old fashioned but so is the bible.

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    Love is hope and expectation. If many want to pencil it in, some don’t dare to ink it in, because love also means mystery and enigma. ( " Love as dizzy as a cathedral")

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    The butterflies are working their way up from my stomach into my head, making me feel dizzy, and I try to calm myself by imagining the ocean outside, its ragged breathing, the seagulls turning pinwheels in the sky. It will be over soon, I tell myself. It will be over soon and then you’ll go home, and you’ll never have to think about the evaluation again.

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    ...with you, I'm always on the verge - feeling dizzy like looking at waves - and you, my Love, make me tipsy...

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    Anyone who can contemplate quantum mechanics without getting dizzy hasn't understood it.

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    Not only too much wine makes you drunk, but too much beauty too!

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    All the dreamers in all the world are dizzy in the noodle!

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    Dizzy used to tell me I'm playing too hard. He'd say to not give everything. Miles told me that too.

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    Dizzy with excitement is no mere phrase.

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    Dizzy, Duke and Charlie Parker were the greatest jazz legends of all time.

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    in the course of the last century science has become so dizzy with its successes, that it has forgotten to ask the pertinent questions- or refused to ask them under the pretext that they are meaningless, and in any case not the scientists concern.

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    Even when I was dizzy with vodka, that smile never failed to make my heart speed up.

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    If youre serious about what youre doing, youve got to keep your head and follow your instinct. Maybe you wont reach the same dizzy heights as others, but you will get something back.

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    I always called him the Dizzy Dean of music, he was so belligerent and braggadocio... But one thing I always noticed about Jelly, he would back everything he said by what he could do.

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    Moira was like an elevator with open sides. She made us dizzy.

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    Joy makes us giddy, dizzy.

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    Ornette Coleman is doing the only really new thing in jazz since the innovations in the mid-forties of Dizzy Gillespie, Charlie Parker, and those of Thelonious Monk

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    The dizzy rapture of starving. The power of needing nothing. By force of will I make myself the impossible sprite who lives on air, on water, on purity.

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    No spinning," I said. I wasn't sure my head or heart could take it. Up close, he was so warm, and so beautiful. I was already dizzy enough.

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    The mortal race is far too weak not to grow dizzy on unwonted brights. [Ger., Das sterbliche Geschlecht ist viel zu schwach In ungewohnter Hohe nicht zu schwindeln.]

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    Melissa Pritchard's prose, that darkly lyrical firmament, is brightened by the dizzy luminous arrangement of her stars and satellites, her great gifts to us: humor, irony, kindness, brilliance.

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    The first records I heard were from Dizzy Gillespie and people like that.

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    The mortal race is far too weak not to grow dizzy on unwonted brights.

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    This girl said "Yes" when I wasn't ready. I kissed her lightly and got so dizzy I had to sit down.

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    They were tower stairs, a tight corkscrew down. The spiraling descent made Karou dizzy: down, around, down, around, hypnotic, until it seemed as if she were caught in a purgatory of stairs and would go down like this forever.

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    By squirming out of our dungeon of indifference and wriggling from ourself-centered vault of unawareness, love can conjure up an aura of mental opulence and an inkling of infinity.( "Love as dizzy as a cathedral”)

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    Emotional illiterates, who don’t recognize the sound of a broken heart, will never be able to hear the subtle vibrations of love reverberating through the rustling flora of life. ("Love as dizzy as a cathedral”)

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    All I can think is: I need air. The rest of my thoughts are a blur of radio static and fluorescent lights and lab coats and steel tables and surgical knives