Best 124 quotes in «joy of life quotes» category
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PEACE Do you feel an underlying sense of peace even when you face a mountain of unknowns?
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Prayer for today: Dear Lord, the eternal ecstatic joy within me is often turned into bondage by my labeling mind. Please, give me some meditative wisdom.
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Scrape away the rust from these jaded eyes and let me see again the wild wonder of life; to know in joy and pain what a miracle it is to feel anything at all.
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That’s the thing about love It can take you up to the mountaintop and can drop you And the impact will either kill you or make you a new person
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Share your life with others. You will have a joyful life.
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Sports has no bounds, no race, no religion, no caste and no creed. Keep out all this from sports. Sports are pure joy, do not ruin with your ignorance
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Ten greatest gifts; love, joy, peace, patience, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
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The birth of a child is a joy to the parent and the world.
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The greatest wealth in life is love. The greatest gift to give away is to feel the joy of life and is also love.
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The Holy instructions of the Creator are: (i)Perfect; reviving the soul. (ii)Trustworthy; making wise the simple. (iii)Right; bringing joy to the heart. (iv)Clear; giving insight for living. (v)Pure; bringing everlasting blessings. (vi)True; bringing overflowing hope.
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The joy of life is being able to do the things we wish to do!
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The only thing that matters is we are here to live our lives.
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The pursuit of joy is the purpose of life.
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The satisfaction? The joy? That comes from solving problems and making things.
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The ultimate purpose of education is to learn how to find and see the beauty of creation so that you may feel the joy of life.
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Though there are no stars, no light but the souls in love will always shine so bright even in darkness.
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We are divine. God is lives within us.
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What a glorious day!
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What a joyful adventure!
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When the symphony of life fills your heart, the chorus of contentment joins in.
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The beautiful fragrance of joy is breathtaking.
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The divinity of the soul; life, light and love.
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The greatest joy in traveling is seeing where you end up.
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The greatest wonderful feeling is falling in love.
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The joy of life is in new creations, new adventures, and new feelings.
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The joy of the Lord is our strength.
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The Lord gives the bread of adversity and the water of affliction for spiritual rebirth.
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The only thing that satisfies the soul is passionate life.
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There are so many glowing reasons to feel the joy of life and to be happy.
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The wealth of some people is here on earth. The wealth of other people is somewhere afar from the earth. Whatever the wealth may be, we must think of a wealth that is distinctive
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Thoughts are pennies from Heaven
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We are but a speck in the Universe Oh, but what a lucky speck to be...
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We can't help but rejoice despite the circumstance.
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We have been blessed with the privilege to live life. May we live to the fullness.
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What a joyful journey, to travel with the Lord.
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What a joy to meet and be around with people who're self-aware with healthy self-esteem. They embrace you and make your stay with them enjoyable.
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What is life if not joy?
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Wherever you are, you have to be joyfully alive.
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Where your heart is, there is your treasure of happiness.
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With mercy and sympathy, no one will hate to love one another.
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Wonderful life, life live to inspired other people.
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World, do you know your creator? Seek him in the heavens Above the stars must He dwell.
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Worries are wasted energies.You can have a joyful life when you let go of your worries.
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You can live without many wants.
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Writing is a bittersweet addiction. The more it drains you; the more replenished you feel, and you crave it even more.
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You are only limited by your philosophies.
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You are your art Your are your song You are your craft. You are all the immaculate designs of which you dream;
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You either choose to help others, or you don't choose to help others... THERE IS NO IN-BETWEEN!
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You never know how much you are blessed until you have nothing.
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Always grateful, forever blessed.