Best 7 quotes in «mystique quotes» category

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    Tout commence en mystique et finit en politique.

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    The only way to establish any kind of mystique, is to completely shut up and never talk to anyone. And I'm contractually obligated not to shut up.

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    I'm not a novelist, I'm a storyteller. There is no art in what I do, no mystique.

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    A perfume is more than an extract it is a presence in abstraction. A perfume, for me, is a mystique.

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    I think we Southerners have talked a fair amount of malarkey about the mystique of being Southern.

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    All the beliefs, habits, tastes, emotions, mental attitudes that characterize our time are really designed to sustain the mystique of the party and prevent the true nature of present-day society from being perceived. Physical rebellion, or any preliminary move toward rebellion, is at present not possible. From the proletarians nothing is to be feared. Left to themselves, they will continue from generation to generation and century to century, working, breeding, and dying, not only without the power of grasping that the world could be other than it is. They could only become dangerous if the advance of industrial technique made it necessary to educate them more highly; but since military and commercial rivalry are no longer important, the level of popular education is actually declining. What opinions the masses hold,or do not hold, is looked on as matter of indifference. They can me granted intellectual liberty because they have no intellect.

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    En faisant de la personnalité un mystère, vous courez le risque d'incliner à l'idolâtrie. Vous vénérez un masque. Vous voyez une mystique où il n'y a que mystification.

    • mystique quotes