Best 19 quotes in «forsaken quotes» category

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    When he is forsaken, Withered and shaken, What can an old man do but die?

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    As with any turning point or instance when a new road is chosen and an old one forsaken, there are consequences.

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    Let them (the wicked) see the beauty of virtue, and pine at having forsaken her. [Lat., Virtutem videant, intabescantque relicta.]

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    No man can ever be secure until he has been forsaken by Fortune.

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    The proud man is forsaken of God.

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    To abstain from sin when one can no longer sin is to be forsaken by sin, not to forsake it.

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    Only he knew that to be left alone is not always to be forsaken.

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    Your flesh is killing your spirit. You have forsaken yourself.

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    And even when he guessed that the love stories of the misled and the forsaken had become a little less authentic with each retelling . . . even if this was the case, he was still moved. Indeed, he was more moved by the lives of the bereft and the unchosen than he was by stories of success in love.

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    A savage sense entered me, of being of such small account in the world that I wasn't to be helped, that priest and woman and man had put out an edict that I wasn't to be helped, I was to be left to the elements, just as I was, a walking animal, forsaken. Maybe it was then that some part of me leapt away from myself, something fled from my brain, I don't know.

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    ...because it is the privilige and the curse of midnight's children to be both masters and victims of their times, to forsake privacy and be sucked into the annihilating whirlpool of the multitudes, and to be unable to live or die in peace.

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    And no matter what closet we were thrown in, up what river we were sold for an embarrassment, or worse, traded for a bottle of gin-- we’d carry on in playful stitches, friends ‘til the end…which came sooner than wished.

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    BILL: I have not forsook my responsibilities!- BARBARA: It's "forsaken," big shot! BILL: Actually, "forsook" is also an acceptable usage!- BARBARA: Oh, "forsook" you and the horse you rose in on!

    • forsaken quotes
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    Don’t let your dreams be forsaken by the starry nights

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    He’s focused on something—or someone—over her shoulder. The harmonious warbling of the rainforest morphs into organized disarray, as if a primitive maestro has thrown conducting to the wind and let Mother Nature take over. Birds trill a warning as the breeze rustles the plant life. Wings flutter overhead. A crescendo of stridulation changes tempo, the insects seemingly performing a sonata as the rhythm shifts yet again. “What—who is it?” Summer asks in a strained whisper. His gaze lands on her, his brows furrowing. “The Forsaken.

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    If You Forget Me if you forsake me I shall forget you too don’t take me for the lone redbud that lay bare behind your window in the garden with branches naked, robbed of life in the dead of winter waiting once again to embrace spring which has forsaken it before.

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    MARSILIO Data cannot grasp the depth of such images, which do not pass away or cease bleeding into things.

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    Sin forgiven, sin forsaken.

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    The church grew very lonely about him, and he began to feel like a child whose mother has forsaken it. Only he knew that to be left alone is not always to be forsaken.