Best 9 quotes in «dharma bums quotes» category

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    Aw I don't wanta go to no such thing, I just wanta drink in alleys.'... But you'll miss all that, just for some old wine.' There's wisdom in wine, goddam it!' I yelled. 'Have a shot!

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    I have all the time in the world from life to life to do what is to do, to do what is done, to do the timeless doing.

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    For Harry Potter I have all the time in the world.

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    As I was hiking down the mountain woth my pack I turned and I knelt on the trail and said "Thank you, Shack". The I added "Blah" with a little grin, because I knew that shack and that mountain would know what that meant, and turned and went on down the trail back to this world.

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    To the children and the innocent it's all the same.

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    As I was hiking down the mountain with my pack I turned and I knelt on the trail and said "Thank you, shack". The I added "Blah" with a little grin, because I knew that shack and that mountain would know what that meant, and turned and went on down the trail back to this world

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    high on top of the world our noses sniffling like the noses of little boys playing late Saturday afternoon their final games in winter

    • dharma bums quotes
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    Students often ask if they should only invoke the guru in the context of a formal daily practice, or if it can be done anywhere. The answer is that it depends on the student. Dharma bums who roam the streets of Kathmandu smoking hashish and sitting in cafés nursing a half-empty cup of cappuccino for most of the day should probably sit formally and recite ten million or one hundred million mantras. Whereas those who have demanding jobs in London, New York or Paris might benefit more from reciting the mantra on their way to work, or as they wait for a bus. The method each student is given will depend entirely on their personal situation and how disciplined they are.

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    Y de pronto sentí lo que siempre siento cuando trato de explicar el Dharma a la gente, a Alvah, a mi madre, a mis parientes, a mis novias, a todo el mundo: nunca escuchan, siempre quieren que yo les escuche a ellos, porque ellos saben y yo no sé nada, sólo soy un inútil y u idiota que no entiende el auténtico significado y la gran importancia de este mundo tan real.

    • dharma bums quotes