Best 10 quotes in «being gay quotes» category

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    I think the best day will be when we no longer talk about being gay or straight... It's not a gay wedding, it's just a wedding... It's not a gay marriage, it's just a marriage.

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    The simple truth of the matter is that people who complain about a peaceful parade which lasts at best one hour in a particular place - ONCE in a whole year - do so out of hatred and intolerance. it isn't just the parade, it is seeing gay and trans people in public - and gay and trans people BEING gay and trans in public. And that is the root of the problem - they HATE gay and trans people.

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    The fact that I can ever be open about my being gay is amazing! It's great that I don't have to hide it, but also it would be really nice if, in twenty years, it's not even a thing.

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    ...And you have to remember that Edward grew up at a time when ... when homosexuality was illegal. Quite apart from being socially unacceptable--at least in the circles we moved in." "That's ridiculous. You can't help it if you're gay." "Reasonable people have always thought that.

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    Paul looked up into the sky and sighed. "It was..." he searched for the word. "Constant, Ubiquitous. Something that almost didn't have to be said because you knew it like you knew your own name. Water is wet. White sauce is the best. God is good. And gays are perverts who want to destroy families, wreck the American way of life, and will end up in hell.

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    Being gay is immutable. Maybe someday we'll figure out more of the science and it will be changeable, but we have no leads so far.

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    Being gay doesn't mean that you are less than anybody else. It's just who you are.

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    I do not believe being gay or lesbian is a choice.

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    I hope being gay isn't the most interesting thing about me.

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    I'm not going to let anyone make it seem like being gay is a bad thing.