Best 13 quotes in «freshness quotes» category

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    For the weekend before, we had had a blowout of tarts, a tart bender, tart madness- even, I dare say, a Tart-a-pa-looza, if you will forgive one final usage of the construction before we at last bury that cruelly beaten dead pop-culture horse. Tarte aux Pêches, Tarte aux Limettes, Tarte aux Poires, Tarte aux Cerises. Tarte aux Fromage Frais, both with and without Pruneaux. Tarte aux Citron et aux Amandes, Tarte aux Poires à la Bourdalue, and Tarte aux Fraises, which is not "Tart with Freshes," as the name of the Tarte aux Fromage Frais ("Tart with Fresh Cheese," of course) might suggest, but rather Tart with Strawberries, which was a fine little French lesson. (Why are strawberries, in particular, named for freshness? Why not blackberries? Or say, river trout? I love playing amateur- not to say totally ignorant- etymologist....) I made two kinds of pastry in a kitchen so hot that, even with the aid of a food processor, the butter started melting before I could get it incorporated into the dough. Which work resulted in eight tart crusts, perhaps not paragons of the form, but good enough. I made eight fillings for my eight tart crusts. I creamed butter and broke eggs and beat batter until it formed "the ribbon." I poached pears and cherries and plums in red wine.

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    Faith is like the freshness of dewdrops.

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    Find strength in your heartbeat, than weakness with a beat heart. Take each breath as another chance, and love for a new day.

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    She was one of those women who are usually referred to in the past tense, of whom one says: 'She had a certain freshness and bloom about her,' and whose freshness and bloom passed unnoticed even when she still had them.

    • freshness quotes
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    In new surroundings, one grows new eyes.

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    Peace is a child's beautiful smile and a flower's freshness Peace is an inner perception of joyfulness and happiness.

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    Catch instants. Spontaneity, freshness.

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    With bated breath we wait for the scent of perfection, accompanied by the freshness of love.

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    For a lot of us drawing is a tyranny which impedes freshness and spontaneity.

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    If I retain any freshness of approach, it's by going slowly having long intervals between finished projects.

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    It is our uniqueness that gives freshness and vitality to a relationship.

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    It keeps her purity vacum-sealed to preserve its freshness for her future husband.

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    With videotaping, on the second generation you're already losing some of the freshness.

    • freshness quotes