Best 19 quotes in «migraine quotes» category

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    Depression affects almost 80% of migraine sufferers at one time or another. People with migraine, especially chronic migraine, also are more likely to experience intense anxiety and to have suicidal tendencies. If we want to live happy and joyful lives with migraine, it is vital that we acknowledge and deal with the emotional realities of the disease.

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    A migraine coming on. She got them when she was stressed.

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    And then a throb hits you on the left ide of the head so hard that your head bobs to the right...There's no way that came from inside your head, you think. That's no metaphysical crisis. God just punched you in the face.

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    By taking the time to focus on our mental and emotional well-being, we can minimize our triggers and reduce the likelihood of a recurrence.

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    No matter what stage of illness we are in, whether we’ve just been diagnosed or we have lived with chronic migraines for decades, there are adjustments we can make to increase joy in our lives and to live more fully.

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    His headache was still sitting over his right eye as if it had been nailed there.

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    Every single ounce of pain focused on the left part of the head. Feels like whole body except left part of head is in fucking numb state.

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    No one knows our bodies or our subjective experiences like we do. This means we can rest secure in our knowledge of ourselves and what we’re going through, even when the medical profession doesn’t understand or believe us. Migraine is a weird and changing disease. It affects all of us differently, and every attack is a little different than the one before. This means that no one can understand your life, symptoms, or illness like you can. This can be incredibly empowering: you are the expert. But, it also carries great responsibility: to live as happily and as fully as possible, you must listen to your body and trust your instincts.

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    When Quoyle leaned forward the twin spears of the headache threatened to dislodge his eyes.

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    Only the Right Brained may forgive, because the Left Brain can't forget. Amphibrains could have migraines. //Just Hypothesizing

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    Paint what you know, especially if it looks like something you shouldn't know.

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    Presiding over the entire attack there will be, in du Bois Reymond's words, "a general feeling of disorder," which may be experienced in either physical or emotional terms, and tax or elude the patient's powers of description.

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    The machos have migraine: "Not tonight, darling, I love me". (Les machos ont la migraine: - "Pas ce soir, chéri, je m' aime".)

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    The return of the voices would end in a migraine that made my whole body throb. I could do nothing except lie in a blacked-out room waiting for the voices to get infected by the pains in my head and clear off. Knowing I was different with my OCD, anorexia and the voices that no one else seemed to hear made me feel isolated, disconnected. I took everything too seriously. I analysed things to death. I turned every word, and the intonation of every word over in my mind trying to decide exactly what it meant, whether there was a subtext or an implied criticism. I tried to recall the expressions on people’s faces, how those expressions changed, what they meant, whether what they said and the look on their faces matched and were therefore genuine or whether it was a sham, the kind word touched by irony or sarcasm, the smile that means pity. When people looked at me closely could they see the little girl in my head, being abused in those pornographic clips projected behind my eyes? That is what I would often be thinking and such thoughts ate away at the façade of self-confidence I was constantly raising and repairing. (describing dissociative identity disorder/mpd symptoms)

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    When we make decisions that honor our dreams and priorities, we also make choices about what we won’t prioritize. We must embrace these choices as well.

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    Remember this: You are the expert of your body.

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    The sound of her laughter eased Clark’s migraine.

    • migraine quotes
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    Diesel is back," Ranger said. Yes. How did you know?" I woke up with a migraine this morning." Ranger said.

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    Chicago happened slowly, like a migraine.