Best 8 quotes in «pepsi quotes» category

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    Continue your quest by taking the test. Yes, but what test? What test was I supposed to take? The Kobayashi Maru? The Pepsi Challenge? Could the clue have been any more vague?

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    I want it all. I want the Pepsi endorsement. I want the arena shows. I want Times Square!

    • pepsi quotes
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    If soccer was an American soft drink, it would be Diet Pepsi

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    I have never even had a sip of alcohol, never have done drugs. The hardest thing I have ever done would be Pepsi.

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    I didn't want to be in a Pepsi commercial with R2-D2 sitting on my shoulder.

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    Leaving Australia was the hardest thing I have ever done.

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    The entire principle of a blind taste test was ridiculous. They shouldn't have cared so much that they were losing blind taste tests with old Coke, and we shouldn't at all be surprised that Pepsi's dominance in blind taste tests never translated to much in the real world. Why not? Because in the real world, no one ever drinks Coca-Cola blind.

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    Well, coffee is my drug of choice, generally, with a little bit of Pepsi here and there, if I need more sugar. But yeah, if I could do intravenous coffee, I would. But I guess that's pretty standard.