Best 12 quotes in «dark tower series quotes» category

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    I fell in love with you, he said. That's why I said it. It happened even before you kissed me, I think.

    • dark tower series quotes
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    Shake the hand that shook the world.

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    No!" Oy agreed. Zero surprise there; if Ake said it, you could take it to the bumbler bank, as far as Oy was concerned.

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    The salt ye take is the salt ye must pay for, as anyone from these parts will tell you.

    • dark tower series quotes
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    Their situation was becoming ever harder to deny: they were characters in someone's story. This whole world--

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    What we’ve got here is a lunatic genius ghost-in-the-computer monorail that likes riddles and goes faster than the speed of sound. Welcome to the fantasy version of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

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    Definition of a wanderer: a guy who's always looking beyond.

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    The Tower trembles; the worlds shudder in their courses. The rose feels a chill, as of winter.

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    No one ever does live happily ever after, but we leave the children to find that out for themselves.

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    God pisses down the back of your neck every day but only drowns you once.

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    He looked so strange without his guns. So wrong. 'Okay? Now that the numb-fuck apprentices have the guns and the master's unarmed, can we please go? If something big comes out of the bush at us, Roland, you can always throw your knife at it.' 'Oh, that,' he murmured. 'I almost forgot.' He took the knife from his purse and held it out, hilt first, to Eddie. 'This is ridiculous!' Eddie shouted. 'Life is ridiculous.' 'Yeah, put it on a postcard and send it to the fucking Reader's Digest.' Eddie jammed the knife into his belt and then looked defiantly at Roland. 'Now can we go?' 'There is one more thing,' Roland said. 'Weeping, creeping Jesus!' The smile touched Roland's mouth again. 'Just joking,' he said. Eddie's mouth dropped open. Beside him, Susannah began to laugh again. The sound rose, as musical as bells, in the morning stillness.

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    The scariest, most terrifying thing that I fear? Yes. My Imagination. I thought you were going to say "Fear, itself." Then you have a small imagination.