Best 4 quotes in «gremlins quotes» category

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    Six flights up I smelled it. Faint at first and then gradually stronger - the eye-watering stench of fermented sugar. I felt like I was walking into a distillery, and that clued me in as to who we were visiting. [...] I'm still waiting for some brave soul to start marketing Gremlin Piss Schnapps.

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    I get stage fright and gremlins in my head saying: 'You're going to forget your lines'.

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    Her head throbbed as though gremlins were ripping holes in her brain

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    Stalking the dusty curio-aisles of some crazy Asian market, “Jezus,” you say to your buddy, “we should ask that dude which aisle the fucking Gremlins are on…

    • gremlins quotes