Best 7 quotes in «homeowners quotes» category

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    Some of the federal programs to help homeowners were never fully implemented.

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    In fact, there are more homeowners today than ever before in the history of our Nation and more minority homeowners than ever before in the history of our Nation.

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    If God did not intend the cat to live happily with humankind, why is there a meow in the middle of the word 'hoMEOWner'?

    • homeowners quotes
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    Homeowners' Association: the means whereby people who own homes are able to transfer their rights to the neighborhood control freaks.

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    When Steve Eisman stumbled into this new, rapidly growing industry of specialty finance, the mortgage bond was about to be put to a new use: making loans that did not qualify for government guarantees. The purpose was to extend credit to less and less creditworthy homeowners, not so that they might buy a house but so that they could cash out whatever equity they had in the house they already owned.

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    If you are to be a homeowner, you need to do all these things. You need to keep your exterior tidy. After all, it serves as an outward reflection of the stuff going on inside. Doesn't it? If the walls are crumbling, so must be your marriage. If the paint is chipping, so must be your will to live.

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    People will hunt obsessively for months or even years to find the right home to live in. When it comes to love though, they expect their future soulmate to appear out of thin air as they enter the next bar or club they go to.