Best 17 quotes in «veterinarian quotes» category

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    That's the Wildcat I remember.

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    Are you a doctor?” Li said. “I’m better than that. I’m a vet. Vets do everything: brain surgery, heart surgery, lab analysis, dislocations –

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    This is Doctor Norton. Who's calling?" "Step N’Wolfe- the owner of the Emerald Cascade Ranch on Green Valley Road. I have a horse in labor and the baby's already coming out of the horse's ass." "You should of called sooner.

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    I have always wanted to be either a cinematographer or a veterinarian.

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    I wanted to be a veterinarian, but slipped up when I hit organic chemistry.

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    Are you feeling any better?" I asked. He nodded. "A lot better. I think it's fine." I looked at his ankle. It still looked puffy to me. "Well, you need to be careful. You know what the... uh... doctor said." I would take the knowledge that Dr. Peter Herbert's patients typically had four legs with me to my grave.

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    His was the gaze of a high-end predator, throwing it's prey a seductive look, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

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    Arms still crossed, Lindsay's clogs tapped on the sidewalk. “So Sam didn’t tell you I was a desperate orphan child with no life outside of work? This isn’t some kind of intervention, some kind of lame attempt to cheer me up?” He grinned.“Why would she do that?” “Because that’s how it sounded.” Nudging her shoulder, he grinning down at her. “You don’t look desperate, Dr. Lindsay, not by a long shot." “That’s because you don’t know me.” Lindsay bit her lower lip, arms still crossed, clogs still tap-tap-tapping. Her chest heaved. “My parent’s died in a car accident almost two years ago. It’s a difficult thing to get over. I’m still not exactly right. I guess she worries about me.” Ty sucked in his breath, thinking fast. “I’m really sorry about your parents, Linds.” As he put an arm around her shoulder, she broke into a self-conscious smile and shook her head. “Spend any time with me at all and you’ll find that Sam’s right. I’m a desperate orphan child, completely paranoid and irrepressibly horny.” “Whoa!” She looked so cute, but vulnerable, too. He closed the arm around her shoulder, squeezing her sideways to his chest. Embarrassed, she smiled as she elbowed his rib. Then she dropped her arms and stayed put, tucked close against him. It felt right, having her there.

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    He took her mouth in a deep kiss. Finally he let her up for air. Don’t propose. Don’t propose. Don’t propose. He repeated the words until he was sure he wasn’t going to say something crazy.

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    Hush.” He kissed her forehead. “Ever since that day, all I’ve wanted is a second chance. Now,” he pulled her body closer, wrapped both arms around her small waist, his hand resting just above the dent in her spine. “We’re both a little older, a little more mature. Some of us are much more experienced—” “And conceited.” “Experienced,” he said, the laugh in his voice quiet and seductive, “and things can be so much better.

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    Arms still crossed, Lindsay's clogs tapped on the sidewalk. “So Sam didn’t tell you I was a desperate orphan child with no life outside of work? This isn’t some kind of intervention, some lame attempt to cheer me up?” He grinned.“Why would she do that?” “Because that’s how it sounded.” Nudging her shoulder, he grinning down at her. “You don’t look desperate, Dr. Lindsay, not by a long shot. “That’s because you don’t know me.” Lindsay bit her lower lip, arms still crossed, clogs still tap-tap-tapping. Her chest heaved. “My parent’s died in a car accident almost two years ago. It’s a difficult thing to get over. I’m still not exactly right. I guess she worries about me.” Ty sucked in his breath, thinking fast. “I’m really sorry about your parents, Linds.” As he put an arm around her shoulder, she broke into a self-conscious smile, and shook her head. “Spend any time with me at all and you’ll find that Sam’s right. I’m a desperate orphan child, completely paranoid and irrepressibly horny.” “Whoa!” She looked so cute, but vulnerable, too, against him. He closed the arm around her shoulder, squeezing her sideways to his chest. Embarrassed, she smiled as she elbowed his rib. Then she dropped her arms and stayed put, tucked close against him. It felt right, having her there.

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    Fighting a Mardi-Gras-In-New-Orleans crowd for eight blocks from Trahan’s Tavern on St. Peter to Bourbon O on Bourbon was like a man being willing to swim the Nile, climb Mount Everest, and cross the Sahara for true love.

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    For some, being a vet was a means to make a living. For Theo, helping animals was a photo of his soul, the coat of his will.

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    Hazard of the job. That's Ode de Anal Gland you smell.

    • veterinarian quotes
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    ...I'm hanging onto my sanity by a thread. I'll have you up against this tree and be inside you in about one second.

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    Sometimes in our job you feel you just can't win. If you take too long you're no good, if you're too quick the visit wasn't necessary.

    • veterinarian quotes
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    I don’t approve.’ A vet