Best 13 quotes in «oliver twist quotes» category

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    Mark Twain didn't psychoanalyze Huck Finn or Tom Sawyer. Dickens didn't put Oliver Twist on the couch because he was hungry! Good copy comes out of people, Johnny, not out of a lot of explanatory medical terms.

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    Oliver Twist has asked for more!

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    Ach, die Maler machen die Damen immer hübscher, als sie sind, denn sonst würden sie keine Kundschaft haben. Der Mann, der das Photografieren erfand, hätte voraussehen können, daß er kein Glück damit haben werde, denn es ist viel zuviel Wahrheit dabei!

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    I don’t know what it is", answered the girl, "I only know that it is so, and not with me alone, but with hundreds of others as bad and wretched as myself. I must go back. Whether it is God’s wrath for the wrong I have done, I do not know, but I am drawn back to him through every suffering and ill usage; and I should be, I believe, if I knew that I was to die by his hand at last.

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    I always loved that boy as if he'd been my-- my-- my own grandfather.

    • oliver twist quotes
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    I'll eat my head!

    • oliver twist quotes
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    I sold myself,' said Mr. Bumble, pursuing the same train of relection, 'for six teaspoons, a pair of sugar-tongs, and a milk-pot; with a small quantity of second-hand furniture, and twenty pound in money. I went very reasonable. Cheap, dirt cheap!' 'Cheap!' cried a shrill voice in Mr. Bumble's ear: 'you would have been dear at any price; and dear enough I paid for you, Lord above knows that!

    • oliver twist quotes
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    Meat, ma'am, meat.

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    Oh! for God's sake let me go!" cried Oliver; "let me run away and die in the fields. I will never come near London; never, never! Oh! pray have mercy on me, and do not make me steal. For the love of all the bright Angels that rest in Heaven, have mercy upon me!

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    We need to be careful how we deal with those about us, when every death carries to some small circle of survivors, thoughts of so much omitted, and so little done—of so many things forgotten, and so many more which might have been repaired! There is no remorse so deep as that which is unavailing; if we would be spared its tortures, let us remember this, in time.

    • oliver twist quotes
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    To do a great right, you may do a little wrong; and you may take any means which the end to be attained will justify.

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    Vice takes up her abode in many temples; and who can say that a fair outside shall not enshrine her?

    • oliver twist quotes
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    What a fine thing capital punishment is! Dead men never repent; dead men never bring awkward stories to light. The prospect of the gallows, too, makes them hardy and bold. Ah, it’s a fine thing for the trade! Five of them strung up in a row, and none left to play booty or turn white-livered!