Best 12 quotes in «time and space quotes» category

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    Until time and space exist... I vow to come back for the benefit of other beings.

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    ...and yet the concepts of near or "far" themselves are also of the temporal realm of duality (Divine Consciousness asleep in the temporal illusion). when one realizes the Oneness of All, there is nowhere to go, with infinite "time" to get there..... Namaste ~ L

    • time and space quotes
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    Beauty is the moment when time vanishes. Beauty is the space where eternity arises.

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    I stare at my freakish eyeball, gaze into the distorted pupil until it expands and fills the mirror, fills my brain and I’m rushing through vacuum. Wide awake and so far at such speed I flatten into a subatomic contrail. That grand cosmic maw, that eater of galaxies, possesses sufficient gravitational force to rend the fabric of space and time, to obliterate reality, and in I go, bursting into trillions of minute particles, quadrillions of whining fleas, consumed. Nanoseconds later, I understand everything there is to understand. Reduced to my “essential saltes” as it were, I’m the prime mover seed that gets sown after the heat death of the universe when the Ouroboros swallows itself and the cycle begins anew with a big bang.

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    Without consciousness, space and time are nothing.

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    Ce galvaudage, cette prodigalité généreuse dans l'emploi du temps est de style asiatique, et sans doute est-ce la raison pour laquelle les enfants de l'Orient se plaisent ici. N'avez-vous jamais remarqué que lorsqu'un Russe dit "quatre heures", ce n'est pas plus que lorsque quelqu'un de nous dit "une heure" ? Il tombe sous le sens que la nonchalance de ces gens à l'égard du temps est en rapport avec la sauvage immensité de leur pays. Où il y a beaucoup d'espace, il y a beaucoup de temps [...]. [...] Dans la mesure où le terrain monte en prix, où le gaspillage de l'espace y devient une impossibilité, le temps - remarquez-le ! - y devient également de plus en plus précieux. Carpe diem ! C'est un citadin qui a chanté ainsi.

    • time and space quotes
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    The Akashic Record? You must expand your consciousness if you will wander the Akashic Realm. It is a higher parallel dimension. Your consciousness must expand beyond the constraints of time and space and literally expand your consciousness into the infinite Now of the Mind Universal.

    • time and space quotes
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    Time is a treasure on earth.

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    No matter how much time and space may come between us, I still feel you.

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    Use time and space; grow slowly into your dreams, infinity will fill you with peace.

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    Time and space is where we chase things we pretend we don't have.

    • time and space quotes
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    You show me continents, I see the islands, You count the centuries, I blink my eyes.

    • time and space quotes