Best 5 quotes in «civil engineering quotes» category

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    When engineers and quantity surveyors discuss aesthetics and architects study what cranes do we are on the right road.

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    In order to create a sustainable world, we need to: 1) Educate people. 2) Educate people. 3) Educate people. For every person left uneducated about the system of this sphere, the nature will make us all pay for it. Sustainability can only start in the mind.

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    [A] pile driver was improvised by mounting a large steam donkey engine, a steam hammer, and a timber tower on a barge.

    • civil engineering quotes
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    Human material culture - the buildings and roads and works that would strike any human as an obvious sign of intelligence - had for years seemed like part of an elaborate mating ritual to the starlings, useless and flamboyant as the peacock's tail.

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    The funnel-shaped devices are tremie tubes, which are apparently being used to avoid having the wet concrete free fall into the forms where the 4-cubic-yard buckets could not fit to pour directly.