Best 9 quotes in «insecure people quotes» category

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    If there is one thing I know, it's that with every great achievement in our lives, there is an insecure idiot hiding around the corner waiting to take a baseball bat to it.

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    I imagine everyone wears layered masks, and parades around a variety or panoply of false selves depending on the occasion. Normal people do that out of their own insecurities and ambitions. Mind-controlled people are hollow because their minds were taken away from them. Their controllers instruct these shells of people about what to do and when. Theirs is institutionalized, manufactured falsity.

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    Envy is the desire to have what someone else has. Jealousy is the fear of losing what you have. The more insecure you are about yourself or your relationship, the more jealous you are, because you are afraid to lose your significant other to someone else.

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    Always remember, if someone keeps putting you down to make themselves feel or look better, be flattered that they chose you. Their insecurity always speaks louder when they need to use someone else to make them feel validated. Confidence never calls for verbal infliction.

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    People spend money they don’t have on clothes and accessories they don’t need to fill a void. No matter how much they invest in their own physical reconstruction (or in some cases deconstruction), they are still unhappy with who they see in the mirror. Don’t get me wrong. We all do things to enhance our personal appearance, some more than others. But changing what’s on the outside will not resolve deep-rooted issues.

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    Sometimes it seems, we are so diminished by our own shortcomings we are unable to celebrate the success of others.

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    Sometimes what we see in our judgement to other individuals are the things that we are trying to hide.

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    There are few things that weigh on a person’s ability to grow and thrive more than insecurity. One critique, one insult, one harsh act could cripple a person who is not confident enough in their own skin to ignore the comments.

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    A person who is confident and capable will never feel insecure.