Best 14 quotes in «mentally quotes» category

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    A sea level adapted human is not mentally fit to fire a gun above 10,000 feet in altitude.

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    Val turned, still naked, still impossibly beautiful. Only the gore spattered on his belly, chest, and arm, marred his perfection. He walked toward her and she couldn't help it. She backed away from him. He smiled. Sweetly. Like a boy. The dagger still in his left hand. And caught her arm with his right hand. "This is who I am, Séraphine. Naked, with blade and blood. I am vengeance. I am hate. I am sin personified. Never mistake me for the hero of this tale, for I am not and shall never be. I am the villain." And he laid his lips over hers and pushed his hot tongue into her mouth and kissed her until she couldn't breathe and it was only later that she found the bloodstains on her dress. Her lips had been sweet, like ripe figs, her mouth a cavern of delight. But her eyes- those dark inquisitor's eyes- had held only horror and disgust. Val sipped his China tea the next morning and gazed out the window. The sun shone on his garden, giving the illusion of warmth, though his empty chest was ice-cold. He could have explained to her that a razor-sharp blade was kinder than a hangman's noose. That death delivered in seconds with a few thrusts was preferable to a laughing, jabbering mob, gleeful at the jerking, agonizing execution. But those saint's eyes would've seen the hypocrisy.

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    Always Remember That, It Is Only The Warrior Who Has Given His/Her All To Defend Himself/Herself And Protect Dear Ones Wisely, Ethically And Morally, Using All The Non-Violent, Non-Offensive And Purely Defensive Means, Methods, Tactics, Strategies; Spiritually, Mentally & Physically Possible AND YET FAILED (Because Of The Obvious Lack Of Skills, Knowledge Or Wisdom etc.), Who Is Actually The Only One, Who Has The Right To (VERY UNFORTUNATELY) Resort To Defensive-Offensive Or Worse Purely Offensive Means, That Might Even Result In The Death Of The Attacker... And So Is The Only One Who Can Confidently And Justly, But Not Proudly, Justify It....

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    Nature ensures joy and pain to everyone. When you are only expecting joy in your life, you can’t handle pain and any painful episode will seem to be even more painful to you. However, when you are mentally prepared for pain, it can’t make you suffer easily. If most people suffer, it is because they are always expecting pleasure and happiness in their life. Hence, when suffering knocks at their door, they are unprepared for it and suffer immense pain.

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    The problem with some people is that they mentally limit themselves in life, but then turn around and become very envious of those who aren't willing to settle for less.

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    You are far more mentally and physically stronger that you think. It's time for you to stop underestimating yourself. Playing small wouldn't get you anywhere. You too could achieve greatness if you would stop holding yourself back with your negative thoughts and beliefs.

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    You have to be mentally prepared to handle any situation.

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    Before you accomplish your dreams physically, your inner make up, mindset, emotions and perception have fought the battle mentally and that already determined how the battle will be fought physically.

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    , I have experienced firsthand how easy it is for a ten year old to obtain marijuana for next to nothing, this trend seems to have been taken to a new dimension with the abuse of pharmaceutical products especially prescription medicines in schools and communities, increasing the number of mentally and emotionally challenged men and women on our streets and diverting young people from classrooms and lecture halls to prisons and drug rehabilitation centers.

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    Once we experience divine guidance, we begin to make changes within ourselves, mentally, physically, and spiritually. We are no longer lost in the world, we can finally see. No longer blinded by the enemy.

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    She's hurt, mentally & emotionally. But everyday, she walks with a smile, 'cause that's just who she is: the person who never stopped smiling.

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    Thank YOU TO all those helping others physically, financially, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. U are an "ally" of the soul.

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    When we are mentally prepared to receive pain, the impact is much lesser as compared to when we are unaware of the impending pain.

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    You have to be mentally prepared to handle any challenge.