Best 6 quotes in «crane quotes» category

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    The La Brea Tar Pits of asshole-ism." Noah pressed his lips into a thin line and gave a mock sympathetic nod. "They claim many each year.

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    A man feared that he might find an assassin; Another that he might find a victim. One was more wise than the other.

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    Dinner, as friends. Where I don't expect you to pay or hold doors and you don't expect make-up or sex." "I'll be rude, and you'll be purposely homely. It'll be magical," Noah laughed.

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    Writing is your soul on paper

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    Don’t do that? This is your sage advice?” “Yeah.” He burped and blew it out the side of his mouth. “Sorry, the burritos we had for lunch are kinda comin’ back on me.

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    It was wrong to do this," said the angel. "You should live like a flower, Holding malice like a puppy, Waging war like a lambkin." "Not so," quoth the man Who had no fear of spirits; "It is only wrong for angels Who can live like the flowers, Holding malice like the puppies, Waging war like the lambkins.