Best 3 quotes in «what makes a man quotes» category

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    Oh, I would not want a knight with no dents. It means he has never been to battle, never fought for his honor, the things he believes in, or for sheer survival. Without the dents, sir, I would not trust my knight to be fully human.

    • what makes a man quotes
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    A man has the strength to face what he is thrown in life. If he falls or is beaten, he does not complain but gets up and rides in to face the challenge once more.

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    - Embert öltem, és a kezembe vettem a saját sorsomat, és rábíztam egy barátomra. Igen, uram, szerintem ez már férfivá tesz. - Egyik sem tesz azzá. Az első gyilkossá tett, a második pedig bolonddá. És mindkettő megölhet.

    • what makes a man quotes