Best 16 quotes in «alliance quotes» category

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    And maybe it was more than that. Maybe it was actually an unspoken instant agreement between the four women on the balcony: No woman should pay for the accidental death of this particular man. Maybe it was an involuntary, atavistic response to thousands of years of violence against women. Maybe it was for every rape, every brutal backhanded slap, every other Perry that had come before this one.

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    Del agua obtuvo claridad y paciencia: por primera vez, después de tantos años, sus pensamientos no estaban nublados. Del fuego consiguió pasión, una nueva apreciación de la vida y el deseo de sobreponerse a cualquier obstáculo. La tierra le concedió firmeza, una voluntad de acero y una determinación inquebrantable. Del viento adquirió el valor y la persistencia: cómo adentrarse y presionar ante la adversidad.

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    At this point, a faerie woman came twirling through. She had leaves in her updo and was swathed in ribbons and ivy and not much else. She tripped on a trailing line of ivy and Alec caught her. “Good reflexes!” she said brightly. “Also great arms. Would you be interested in a night of tumultuous forbidden passion, with an option to extend to seven years?” “Um, I am gay,” Alec said. He was not used to saying that casually, to any random person. It was strange to say it, and feel both relief and a shadow of his old fear, twined together. Of course, the declaration might not mean much to faeries. The faerie woman accepted it with a shrug, then looked over at Raphael and lit up. Something about the leather jacket or the scowl seemed to appeal to her strongly. “How about you, Vampire Without a Cause?” “I’m not gay,” said Raphael. “I’m not straight. I’m not interested.” “Your sexuality is ‘not interested’?” Alec asked curiously. Raphael said, “That’s right.” The faerie thought for a moment, then ventured, “I can also assume the appearance of a tree!” “I didn’t say, ‘not interested unless you’re a tree.’ ” “Wait,” said the faerie suddenly. “I recognize you. You’re Raphael Santiago! I’ve heard of you.” Raphael made a gesture of dismissal. “Have you heard I like it when people go away?” “You were one of the heroes in the Downworlder victory over Valentine.” “He was one of the heroes of the Downworlder and Shadowhunter alliance, which led to the victory,” Alec said. Raphael stopped looking annoyed and began to look nastily amused. “Oh, did the Shadowhunters help a little?” he asked. “You were there!” said Alec. “Can I have your autograph, Raphael?” asked the faerie lady. She produced a large, shiny green leaf and a quill. Raphael wrote LEAVE ME ALONE on the leaf. “I’ll cherish it,” said the faerie. She ran away, clutching the leaf to her bosom. “Don’t,” Raphael yelled after her.

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    Cette nouvelle alliance est une suite de l'ancienne. Ne lui reprochez donc pas sa nouveauté.

    • alliance quotes
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    Few teams sometimes fails miserably because team members wish to work in the team but they want to be recognized individualy.

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    ISL is a tough place to crack they're the rich and we are the poor you can guarantee that the city is padded with security-” before Kosse could finish Ingra cut in “Yes we are aware of that but the reason we want your help is-

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    If as we see nightfall, we become capable of accepting love, let’s celebrate an alliance with our unbroken delusions. Who ever knew we would say goodbye to oblivion? Who ever knew we would accept hope?

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    She would?!” Tria nodded “Dilmore would love to know that now wouldn't he.” Agres continued “Well probably.

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    I will never, ever stop hoping for peace,' he said. his voice trembled with leashed emotion. 'I have seen too much good in too many people to paint them all as evil and worthy of slaughter. And I will also never stop believing that people can change. But I realize now that I've been like a farmer expecting to harvest crops from a poisoned field. It's simply not possible' . . . 'People can change,' Anduin repeated. 'But some people will never-never-desire to do so.

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    Mihil nodded “Alright, who is this 'we'?” “Like I said before a friend.

    • alliance quotes
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    Really you'd do that. Yes I would, I am a hacker I can do whatever I like.

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    Today's opponents can be your allies tomorrow. And today's allies can be tomorrow's opponents.

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    Time owed an alliance to the undying.

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    that can't be good “What a persistent-” “I know.” W quickly cut in before Dilmore could finish.

    • alliance quotes
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    We have saved the Alliance and the Horde here this day, and they will never know," Vandel said at last. "They do not need to know. It is enough that they are here.

    • alliance quotes
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    When only one party makes a profit that's robbery when all parties make profit that's business.