Best 19 quotes in «fallen angel quotes» category

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    Daniel came to sit beside me, ignoring my wariness and settling into the thin, worn cushion. “Who’d you think I was that first night we met?” “The night you attacked me, you mean? I thought you were a vampire.” “A vampire?” His look was one of genuine confusion. “Vampires aren’t real.

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    Her angel didn’t look at all like she’d expected. He was no benevolent creature with long, flowing robes and a bland, peaceful smile. Instead he was the stuff of every teenage girl’s—and quite a few teenage boys’—fantasies.

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    He swallowed again. “Why?” When I opened my mouth to answer, my lips started trembling - from nerves or regret I don’t know - and it took a few seconds to actually force the words out. “Because you have to find Nicholas. And I can’t handle that right now. I know I said I could, but I can’t.” Breathing as deeply as I could, I took Daniel’s closeness inside me, feeling all the while like I was on the edge of suffocating. “I’m about to fall apart, and I need time.” “I need you.” “You need me to kill-” “No!” Daniel’s face flushed, and he fixed his mouth shut, inhaling rapidly through his nose while trying to regain control. “You aren’t going anywhere near Dmitri. Not ever. He’s my responsibility.

    • fallen angel quotes
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    He tasted like summertime - of wicked thunderstorms, fresh clover, and wild honeysuckle - and I had the sensation of falling, my stomach tumbling over and over again until calm finally reached in, rooting deep and stretching out to encompass everything: my mind, my body. And my soul - whatever that was. The same clean, almost scentless breeze whipped over us again, just like it had the first night we’d met, and I could physically feel one chapter of my life closing and another beginning.

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    I’m going to ask you a question,” I said. “And I want an answer this time, no dodging and no playing cryptic. Is the reason you’re leaving because you need to look for Nicholas, or because you want to get away from me?” Daniel looked me square in the eye, unblinking. “The first thing accomplishes the second, now doesn’t it?

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    It wasn’t every day a girl lost her virginity, not to mention to a delicious, perfect specimen of man. One who had wings, to boot.

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    In the absence of deliberate cruelty, the harshness of his face and the fullness of his mouth just looked sullen and a little wicked. An angel frozen into a tableau of marmoreal perfection as he contemplated his imminent fall from grace.

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    He showed her things she'd never known about things she'd always thought she understood. And she adored it... even as it terrified her. Even as it made her question everything she thought true. She resisted the thought, her gaze rising to one large wall of the club, where the Angel's namesake fell in beautiful glass panels from Heaven to Hell, from good to evil, from sainthood to sin. It was the most beautiful window Pippa had ever seen, the work of true artisans, all reds and golds and violets, at once hideous and holy. It was the angel himself who fascinated her, the enormous, beautiful man crashing to Earth, without the gifts he'd had for so long. In the hands of a poorer artist, the detail of him would have been less intricate, the hands and feet and face would have been shaped with glass of a single color, but this artist had cared deeply for his subject, and the swirls of darks and lights in the panels were finely crafted to depict movement, shape, and even emotion. She could not help but stare at the face of the fall- inverted as he fell to the floor of the hell- the arch of his brow, the complex shade of his jaw, the curve of his lip. She paused there, thinking on another pair of lips, another fall. Another angel. Cross. Emotion flared, one she did not immediately recognize. She let out a long breath. She wanted him- in a way she knew she should not. In a way she knew she should want another. A man destined to be her husband. To be the father of her children. And yet, she wanted Cross. This angel.

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    Part of her wanted to comfort him, to tell him everything was going to be okay. But the rest of her just wanted to throw him to the ground and rip those jeans off him. Funny how she could be so jealous of a pair of pants. They covered the sinfully male body she longed to explore.

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    Remember , that I am thy creature; I ought to be thy Adam; but I am rather the fallen angel, whom thou drivest from joy for no misdeed.

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    I twisted my body, suddenly unable to stand his hands on me. “Do you really think I give a damn what you are? That anything else matters to me more than you, yourself? I don’t want you to stay because you think I need a protector, Daniel. I’ve been looking after myself for a very long time now, and I’ve done just fine. Dammit, have some faith in me.” “If I didn’t have faith in you, Sarah, I wouldn’t feel this way.

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    The angel’s lower body was covered by a pair of faded jeans that showcased the strong muscles in his thighs…along with a few other things she’d only dared dream about. His upper body was bare, showing off honeyed skin, washboard abs, and a killer set of pecs.

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    Se habia arreglado para la boda, llevando un esmoquin negro a la medida y su mejor sonrisa depravada

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    Sé mi chica, Nora. Sé mi todo.

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    The music had ceased. Alex walked over to the gramophone, wound it up again, and put on more blues, a woman singing this time, gay and sad at once, like a stranded angel who had traded holiness for humanity but remembered what it used to be like to know God.

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    bara bara merah membara, bintang tiada kau t’lah ada, berontak pisah dari asalnya, berniat kuasa malah sengsara. bara bara angkara murka, belasan miliar tahun di usia, betapa kuat dikau perkasa, begitu getir kini tersiksa.

    • fallen angel quotes
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    Then what’s the problem? You keep telling me she’s just a job. So, fine. The job’s done. You found her. You trained her. Now she has to do her part. She has to kill Dmitri. Whether she can survive the battle or not doesn’t matter, and it isn’t up to you to decide.” Luc got up from the swing and went to Daniel. “Listen, man, I’m trying to be a friend here. You’ve been down here so long you’re starting to think like one of them. Quit trying to grow a conscience and just finish what you started.

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    You’re mine, Angel. Every last piece of you. I won’t let anything change that.

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    As Abby finally turned and fled the frigid temperatures of the roof, she realized she still didn’t know if the Fallen were good or evil. Whether they intended to kill the humans or not. All she knew was that, at the tender age of thirteen, Abby Rhodes had just fallen head over heels in love.