Best 9 quotes in «beautiful darkness quotes» category

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    Sometimes I can feel my darkness, like a fragment of nerves inside of me somewhere, sparking my hate. I picture it moving throughout my body, the other cells letting it pass by, yielding to its master. It moves to my tongue when it wants me to spew beautiful, damaging words, it moves to my hands when it wants me to feel all it can take away, and it moves to my eyes to blind me from truly seeing the destruction I’ve done.

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    Aunque moverse duela como una enfermedad. La mirada se detiene en los rostros que murmuran y no puedes oír lo que están diciendo porque en tu cabeza, el estruendo de los gritos es demasiado fuerte. Aun así, deja que te tiren del brazo y que te suban al coche, y sigues. Porque puedes cuando alguien te dice que puedes.

    • beautiful darkness quotes
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    ...the miserable love to watch someone else's misery. I had just about cornered the market on miserable. I was worse than miserable, lower than a flattened sloppy joe left behind on a lunchroom tray. I was alone.

    • beautiful darkness quotes
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    Waiting Hurts. Forgetting Hurts. But not knowing which decision to take is the worst of suffering.

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    What am I doing here? The Southern Star has vanished, a Cataclyst is calling the moon out of time at the mythical Great Barrier, and you're asking what I'm doing here? Are you serious?

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    It's not easy to be Light when you've been Dark. It's almost too much to ask anyone. -Macon Ravenwood

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    I will love you until the day after forever.

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    Porque la vida sigue. Los pájaros hacen su tarea y las abejas la suya. Las semillas se dispersan y todo vuelve a crecer

    • beautiful darkness quotes
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    Ridley was like a beautiful snake - you couldn't let her get close without the risk of being bitten.