Best 21 quotes in «in the moment quotes» category

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    Be immersed in what you are doing, otherwise, you'll be immersed in what you are not doing or have lost.

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    Avoid the temptation to force a moment so you won’t miss the one with your name on it.

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    During sex, people are often way too focused on giving or taking to actually just celebrate this moment, be themselves completely, and rejoice in their own realities.

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    Belief - Yang Doubt - Yin? Or the Middle Way of pure direct experience of Now prior to belief or doubt.....

    • in the moment quotes
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    ENJOY LIFE! Can’t go wrong with that motto, I think. No matter what activity one engages in, from the simple to the complex, from the mundane to the exciting, it is very worthwhile to keep a non-judgmental mindset. Enjoy every experience for what it is—do not compare it to prior experiences, nor set it up against your expectations, or the expectations of others. In this fashion, no matter what experience unfolds, it will be appreciated. The key as a parent is to encourage your offspring to adopt a like mindset. As well, as a parent, do not concern yourself whether your child is getting “full-value” for your money.

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    I brought you here tonight to remind you of when we were happy. When we were inseparable, best friends and more. But— [...] “What?” I asked. “Please, tell me. I promise I’m okay.” [...] “But what if this is the last time we ever get to do this?” [...] “Then we had tonight. We’ve had this memory. We’ve had this cherished moment.” [...] “I used to know a boy, a boy I loved with my whole heart, who lived for a single moment. Who told me that a single moment could change the world. It could change someone’s life. That one moment could make someone’s life, in that brief second, infinitely better or infinitely worse.” [...] “This, tonight, being at this creek with you again, … it has made my life infinitely better. This moment, given to me by you, I will remember always. I will take it with me to … wherever I go.

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    How can something feel so crucial in the moment and then seem completely trivial after the fact?

    • in the moment quotes
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    In people's eyes, in the swing, tramp, and trudge; in the bellow and the uproar; the carriages, motor cars, omnibuses, vans, sandwich men shuffling and swinging; brass bands; barrel organs; in the triumph and the jingle and the strange high singing of some aeroplane overhead was what she loved; life; London; this moment of June.

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    If there's one thing I can say when it's my time to look back over my glorious life is I lived, bravely and fiercly in the chaos of it all.

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    It was as if I was in a picture, a flat canvas, and everything around me was flat, me painted on like everything else: no colour, nothing in front and nothing behind me, not even earlier today or tomorrow, nothing to look back or forward to, just this moment.

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    Intuition is the art of the moment. Intuition is always in the moment, in the here and now. While the intellect always moves like the pendulum of a clock between the memories of the past and the fantasies of the future, intuition is always in the moment, always in the here and now. The more we develop our inner being, the inner source of love and truth, the inner quality of being here and now, the more we also have access to our intuition.

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    The power to reach our goal is always in the moment. When the moment arrives, be ready to perform the action that will help you reach your goal, and be aware when the moment is now.

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    Normal people live distracted, rarely fully present. Weird people silence the distractions and remain fully in the moment.

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    Surrender your fears and anxieties and projections of the future, and enjoy being fully in the present moment, immersed in yourself.

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    It was salty, it was sweet, it was fishy, it was liquor, it was like a deep breath of seaweedy air and a mouthful of sea spray all at once. He bit once, involuntarily, and felt the flavors in his mouth swell and burst like a wave. Before he knew what he had done he had swallowed, and then there was another sensation; another flavor, as the soft shapeless mass wriggled past the back of his throat, leaving a faint, cool aftertaste of brine. He felt a sudden sense that nothing would be the same again. Eve in her garden had bitten an apple. James had eaten an oyster, sitting outside a tiny restaurant overlooking the sea by Sorrento. His undernourished heart swelled in the Italian sunshine like a ripening fig and he laughed out loud. With a great flood of gratitude he realized that he was having the time of his life.

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    So, and it is common sense, be in the moment to make things happen in that moment.

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    There is no ‘out there’, only ‘here’ exists.

    • in the moment quotes
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    To be just. Exactly how we’re supposed to be is how I’d like to be.

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    We have the St. Vitus' dance, and cannot possibly keep our heads still

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    What was and what may be lie, like children whose faces we cannot see, in the arms of silence. All we have is here, now.

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    WHEN I WAS VERY YOUNG, Papa used to tell me that words fly on wild winds from the mouths of sly people. When the winds pick up, he said, sand blows into your ears and bites your eyes. Storms build overhead like a lake with a spout, but you can’t see or hear. Only when you are safely sheltered, Papa said, can you tell which way the wind is blowing. Only from the calm, he said, can you see how to protect yourself from trouble.