Best 7 quotes in «the hate u give quotes» category

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    But I realize that being real ain't got anything to do with where you live.

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    But you just choose because that's where you want to be. Not because you were trying to do somebody else's job. You hear me?

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    Tu peux très bien être courageuse et avoir peur quand même, Starr, dit-elle. Etre courageuse, ça veut dire ne pas se laisser abattre par sa peur. Et c'est ce que tu fais.

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    My two worlds just collided. Surprisingly, everything's all right.

    • the hate u give quotes
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    noe å leve for,noe å dø for

    • the hate u give quotes
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    Vuelvo a mirar las estrellas. Papá dice que me nombró Starr porque yo erala luz en su oscuridad. Necesito un poco de luz en mi propia oscuridad. •capítulo 14

    • the hate u give quotes
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    You'd be surprised at how many of us want justice in this case," says Uncle Carlos. "But of course, classic Maverick. Every cop is automatically a bad cop.

    • the hate u give quotes