Best 6 quotes in «o quotes» category

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    Çocuklar, gerçek bir yolun içindeki kurgudur, bu kurgunun gerçeği ise çok basit: esrarlı gücün varlığıdır...

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    In his mind’s eye, though, he sees— —Taliban moving like scorpions across a similar landscape his own caravan blown to shit blood streaming from buddies Now I’m one of them He sights in again. No time for Lack of PTSD He only hopes that Gentle Ben Increase-the-Peace Ben is one of them, too, now. Now, Ben. Find your inner Taliban.

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    I" theory take a later of course without "O" and you will see that all are build with "I".

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    He feels ennui depression adrift in his life. Purposeless, perhaps because —dig a well in the Sudan and thejanjaweed come in and shoot the people anyway —buy mosquito nets and the boys you save grow up to —rape women —set up cottage industries in Myanmar and the army —steals them and uses the women as slaves and Ben is starting to be afraid that he is starting to share Chon’s opinion of the human species that people are basically shit.

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    The boys quiet until Ben looks across the table at Chon, holds his thumb and index finger a millimeter apart, and says, “We’re that close to being gay.” They laugh for half an hour. Collective dicks

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    Use your little grey cells mon ami" (Hercule Poirot in 'The Mysterious Affair At Styles')