Best 4 quotes in «never settle for less quotes» category

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    Even if you have to walk fast for 30mins, five days a week, by all means do so. Never make excuses to why you don't have the time to work out. Your body deserves to enjoy the taste of a good health. Never settle for less.

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    Negative thoughts have the tendency to persuade one to doubt one's true destiny in life. This is why you should always stay on guard against negativity, and never allow self-defeating words to convince you to settle for anything less than your positive purpose in life.

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    Never settle for an ordinary lover, never settle for less than you deserve, you are so worthy of being loved so passionately and madly. You deserve to be loved as whole with all your imperfections and flaws, you deserve someone who puts you first as if you were the only thing that matters, you deserve someone who will always choose to stay when you are on your lowest and you deserve someone who will always choose to love you even when you are not so lovable..

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    The idea of never settling for less, surely doesn't suggest not acknowledging and celebrating every accomplished step that leads to where you desire to be in the future.