By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Absolutely everything you experience in your life is a result of what you have given in your thoughts and feelings, whether you realize you have given them or not.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Adjusting to a new path and a new direction will require new qualities and strengths, and these qualities are always exactly what we need to acquire in order to accomplish the great things ahead in our life.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
All of this abundance begins to shine through a mind that is aware of it's own infinite nature. There's enough for everyone. See it. Believe it. it will show up for you.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
All stress begins with a negative thought. One thought that went unchecked, and then more thoughts came and more, until stress manifested. The effect is stress, but the cause was negative thinking, and it all began with one little negative thought. No matter what you might have manifested, you can change it ....with one small positive thought and then another.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
All stress begins with one negative thought.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
All your power is in your awareness of that power, and through holding that power in your consciousness.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
An affirmative thought is 100 times more powerful than a negative one.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
And allow the world as others choose to see it, exist as well.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
A person who sets his or her mind on the dark side of life, who lives over and over the misfortunes and disappointments of the past, prays for similar misfortunes and disappointments in the future. If you will see nothing but ill luck in the future, you are praying for such ill luck and will surely get it. (Prentice Mulford)
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Are your thoughts worthy of you? If not - now is the time to change them. You can begin right were you are right now. Nothing matters but this moment and what you are focusing your attention on.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Asking is the first step in the Creative Process, so make it a habit to ask.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Ask once, believe you have received, and all you have to do to receive is feel good.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
As you ask and feel and believe, you will receive.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
As you think of yourself living in abundance, you are powerfully and consciously determining your life through the law of attraction.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Be aware of everything around you, because you are receiving the answers to your questions in every moment of the day.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Be aware of the big difference between inspired action and activity. Activity comes from the brain-mind and is rooted in disbelief and lack of faith - you are taking action to “make” your desire happen. Inspired action is allowing the law to work through you and to move you. Activity feels hard. Inspired action feels wonderful.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Be grateful for what you already have, and you will attract more good things.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Be grateful for what you have now. As you begin to think about all the things in your life you are grateful for, you will be amazed at the never ending thoughts that come back to you of more things to be grateful for. You have to make a start, and then the law of attraction will receive those grateful thoughts and give you more just like them.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Being healthy is feeling the same way as little children feel. Little children are bursting with energy every day. Their bodies feel light and flexible; moving is effortless. They're light on their feet. Their minds are clear; they're happy, and free of worry and stress. They sleep deeply and peacefully every night, and they wake up feeling completely refreshed, as if with a brand-new body. They feel passionate and excited about every new day. Look at little children and you will see what being healthy really means. It is the way you used to feel, and it is the way you should still feel.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
'Checks are coming in the mail regularly'... or change your bank statement to whatever balance you want in there... and get behind the feeling of having it.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Choose your thoughts carefully [...] you are the masterpiece of your own life.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Claim the things you want by feeling and believing they are yours.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Close your eyes and visualize having what you already want - and the feeling of having it already.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Compliment people wherever you go. Praise every single thing you see. Be a ray of sunshine to everyone you meet.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Create a Vision Board .. pictures of what you want to attract .. every day look at it and get into the feeling state of already having acquired these wants.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Create your day in advance by thinking the way you want it to go, and you will create your life intentionally.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Decide what you want ... believe you can have it, believe you deserve it, believe it's possible for you.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Decide what you want to be, do, and have, think the thoughts of it, emit the frequency, and your vision will become your life.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Difficult times are the greatest opportunities in disguise. When we face difficult times we have to put in determined work to get ourselves into joy. Difficult times are your greatest opportunity to practice yourself into joy!
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Do not worry at all about negative thoughts, and do not try to control them. All you have to do is begin to think good thoughts each day. Plant as many good thoughts as you can in each day. As you begin to think good thoughts you will attract more and more good thoughts, and eventually the good thoughts will wipe out the negative thoughts altogether.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Don’t become mesmerize by the pictures that have appeared if they are not what you want. Take responsibility for them, make light of them if you can, and let them go. Then think new thoughts of what you want, feel them, and be grateful that it is done.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Even challenges are beautiful opportunities in disguise.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Even if you think the tentacles of security have already wrapped themselves around you and you can't move because of your obligations, it's never too late-there are always unlimited ways to follow your dreams, and it is much easier than you think.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Focus on being grateful for what you have already .. enjoy it!! Then release into the universe. The universe will manifest it.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Every day, in every moment, you make the choice whether to love and harness the positive force - or not.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Every day is an opportunity for a new life. Every day you stand at the tipping point of your life. And on any one day you can change the future – through the way that you feel.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Every day, or at least twice a week, take a few minutes and focus on seeing yourself in joy. Feel yourself in joy. Imagine only joy ahead in your life and see yourself basking in it. As you do this the Universe will move all people, circumstances, and events to bring you joy, joy and more joy.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Every day take a few minutes and focus on SEEING yourself in joy. FEEL yourself in joy. IMAGINE only joy ahead in your life and see yourself basking in it You can't be in joy if you have money worries, or health worries, or relationship problems with friends or family. So deposit some joy in the bank of the Universe as often as you can. There isn't an investment that is more worthwhile.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Every good thought, every good word, every good emotion, and every act of kindness, is lifting the vibration of your being to new heights. And as you begin to raise your vibration, a new life and a new world will reveal itself to you.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Every idea from your thoughts is the real thing it's strength
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Everyone has the power to visualize.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Every person has their own unique circumstances to overcome, but every single person has the opportunity to achieve anything - and change everything.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Every single second is an opportunity to change your life, because in any moment you can change the way you feel.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Everything else you see and experience in this world is effect, and that includes your feelings. The cause is always your thoughts.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
EVERYTHING in your life you have attracted .. accept that fact .. it's true.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Everything is energy. You are an energy magnet, so you electrically energize everything to you and electrically energize yourself to everything you want
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Everything you want to be, do or have comes from love.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Every thought has a frequency. Thoughts send out a magnetic energy.
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Every thought of yours is a real thing – a force. (Prentice Mulford)
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By AnonymRhonda Byrne
Expectation is a powerful attractive force.