By AnonymFrank Barron
Above all, creators remain drawn to the age-old paradoxes that philosophy grapples with [and]...that art occasionally resolves...the problem of the one and the many; unity and variety; determinism and freedom; mechanism and vitalism; good and evil; time and eternity; the plenum and the void; moral absolutism and relativism... These are the basic problems of human existence, and as far as we possibly can we arrange things to forget them.
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By AnonymFrank Barron
A creative person respects the creative spark in other individual men, and in all men (and women).
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By AnonymFrank Barron
Creativity is energy being put to work in a constructive fashion.
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By AnonymFrank Barron
The creative individual not only respects the irrational in himself, but also courts the most promising source of novelty in his own thought.
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By AnonymFrank Barron
The creative person is both more primitive and more cultivated, more destructive, a lot madder and a lot saner, than the average person.
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By AnonymFrank Barron
The making of thoughts is the most common instance of human participation in the creative act.
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By AnonymFrank Barron
The refusal to choose is a form of choice; disbelief is a form of belief.
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By AnonymFrank Barron
The sorcery and charm of imagination, and the power it gives to the individual to transform his world into a new world of order and delight, makes it one of the most treasured of all human capacities.