Best 13 quotes of Tyler Hilton on MyQuotes

Tyler Hilton

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    Tyler Hilton

    A lot of people can figure out the social media aspect of it, or the merchandising aspect, or whatever and get enough momentum to start a career. To sustain it, you have to keep writing and you have to keep creating.

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    Tyler Hilton

    As an independent artist it is so easy to get caught up in websites, social media, merchandise, when I am going to put out an EP, fining a producer, finding a studio to record in and you have to remember at the end of the day you should be writing music.

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    Tyler Hilton

    Getting on stage, for me, was a huge thing when I first started. And back in high school, everyone was in rock bands and I was a singer/songwriter. It just seems kind of lame.

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    Tyler Hilton

    I don't how many of us get to go to the next level, and I don't know how many people on my level get to go to the next level after that. I think it is the songs that can take you there.

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    Tyler Hilton

    I don't know how to make magic. For most songwriter's that has only happened once or twice, and I don't know how to re-create that. I know that there are some tricks and tools, but the magic is the amazing part.

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    Tyler Hilton

    I never was strutting through the hallways like, "Yeah, I'm a singer/songwriter." That's never a cool thing to do - to be the brooding guy.

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    Tyler Hilton

    I think one of the reasons that I love the fans that have stuck around, because I really enjoy writing different kinds of songs. I don't know if I write them well or not, but I can write them.

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    Tyler Hilton

    I've been really lucky to have a lot of cool people and to be around a lot of cool celebrities that I've got to learn from.

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    Tyler Hilton

    I was a good student. My mom is a teacher, and her side of the family is all teachers. She put a big emphasis on getting good grades.

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    Tyler Hilton

    I went from living with my parents, to being signed out of high school. I have never, not had a boss, or someone else responsible for me. It is really cool as an artist to have that freedom.

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    Tyler Hilton

    Music comes out of me most naturally and would be the hardest to give up forever.

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    Tyler Hilton

    My family was all musicians. We jam all the time.

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    Tyler Hilton

    My world on the road always ends up feeling really small which is ironic because that's when I'm seeing the most places and meeting the most people!