Best 6 quotes of Michael Fullan on MyQuotes

Michael Fullan

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    Michael Fullan

    A miracle worker who can do more with less, pacify rival groups, endure chronic second guessing, tolerate low levels of support, process large volumes of paper, and work double shifts. He or she will have carte blanche to innovate, but cannot spend much money, replace any personnel, or upset any constituency.

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    Michael Fullan

    Change really isn't as hard as we thought if we capture people's interest and give them enjoyable, worthwhile experiences.

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    Michael Fullan

    In schools the main problem is not the absence of innovations but the presence of too many disconnected... piecemeal, superficially adorned projects... We are over our heads.

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    Michael Fullan

    Schools must inquire deeper into their own practices, explore new ways to motivate their learners, make use of learning styles, introduce multiple intelligences, integrate learning, and teach thinking, and in the process discover the passion and moral purpose that makes teaching exciting and effective.

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    Michael Fullan

    The kind of teacher who is afraid that they are going to be replaced by a computer should be.

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    Michael Fullan

    Gaius Petronious nailed this problem almost two thousand years ago: We trained hard... but it seemed every time we were beginning to form up into teams we were reorganized. I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any situation by reorganizing, and what a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress while producing confusion, inefficiency, and demoralization.