Best 3 quotes of Ed Dobson on MyQuotes

Ed Dobson

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    Ed Dobson

    And I know that God and His grace are sufficient for the moment I find myself in. When I wake up tomorrow, whatever the challenges, I know God will be there and will provide His grace. This is my hope. This is my strength.

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    Ed Dobson

    God, thank you for waking me up this morning. I want to embrace every day, however limited my day may be, as a gift from God. I want to live this day to its fullest. I know there are things I can no longer do. I know I am facing daily limitations. But I want to focus on what I can do, not on what I cannot do. So help me God. I know this day will never be repeated. I know I cannot live it over again. Help me to live it to its fullest.

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    Ed Dobson

    We ask for forgiveness. And we forgive others who ask us. In that way we can experience healing, healing in our souls.