Best 6 quotes of Stefan Merrill Block on MyQuotes

Stefan Merrill Block

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    Stefan Merrill Block

    Before I published my first book, I worked for a while as a documentary and wedding/bar mitzvah videographer, and a part of me still mourns the lost filmmaker I'll never be. Working on a documentary is nearly the opposite artistic process to writing: as a writer you are always trying to fill out a world to fit your story, but as a documentarian your work is to carve a story out of the world. Sometimes, when I'm feeling particularly blocked at my computer, I miss the days when I could just point my camera at something interesting and wait to see what happens.

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    Stefan Merrill Block

    I think that I write much more naturally about characters in solitude than characters interacting with others. My natural inclination - and one that I've learned to push against - is to give primacy to a character's interior world. Over the three books that I've written, I've had to teach myself that not every feeling needs to be described and that often the most impactful writing more elegantly evokes those unnamed feelings through the way characters speak and behave.

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    Stefan Merrill Block

    Could there be anything more sad and more lonely than remembering what terrible things the future will bring?

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    Stefan Merrill Block

    Maybe there was relief to be found in the prospect of having no choice.

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    Stefan Merrill Block

    To remember nothing," they would say. "What more could one possibly ask of eternity?

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    Stefan Merrill Block

    Yet he know they had everything to celebrate. It was just being young and everything being in the future.