Best 11 quotes of Terrence J on MyQuotes

Terrence J

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    Terrence J

    Being part of a fraternity has given me the foundation for everything I do in my career from the loyalty to the determination; it laid the foundation for everything Ive been able to enjoy. Im heavily involved with Omega Psi Phi.

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    Terrence J

    If my goal is to become a movie star, me working at a pizza shop won't help me. I have to make the stars align.

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    Terrence J

    I look at a mentor of mine like Ryan Seacrest and the incredible amount of equity he's been able to bring to the broadcasting arena, and the branding and the world that he's been able to build around himself.

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    Terrence J

    I love film and I love sitcoms, and I was one of those kids that would just go to the movies on the weekend and spend my whole weekend watching all of the movies.

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    Terrence J

    In the acting world, you can really only become good by practicing and doing it, and I just think every time you walk onto a set you just become better and better. I think I'm in a totally different space than I was back then on that first movie set.

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    Terrence J

    I plan on having the credibility and integrity of being a part of an entertainment news program like 'E!,' in addition to being on the actor side as well.

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    Terrence J

    I think anyone who gives you relationship advice goes off of past relationships they have that didn't work. You've got to follow your own path.

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    Terrence J

    It is a privilege to be recognized by FDLA.  I am a staunch believer that as a member of the Bar, we have the great privilege to represent clients in all facets of our practice, and that includes making the commitment to represent clients for whom access to representation and ultimately justice is limited by economics.  As all of the “20 for 20 honorees have done, stepping up to meet that commitment is at the heart of what it means to be a lawyer.  I hope the inspiring stories and contributions of my fellow honorees will shine a bright light on FDLA and this most important mission.

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    Terrence J

    I went to an historically black college where we're always told that there's limitation. And so I'm happy to represent for black colleges.

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    Terrence J

    My very first acting gig was in a movie for Russ Parr. He did this movie called "Love for Sale," and that was my first role in any film.

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    Terrence J

    Oh yeah people recognize me, but the craziest thing? I mean I've had the normal autographs ... but I had to sign a baby's carriage once. I thought that was weird, so yeah, I guess that's the craziest thing.