By AnonymJeff Dixon
Everybody talks about changing the world - but nobody wants to do the hard work it takes to change it!
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By AnonymJeff Dixon
It is possible to disagree without being divisive. Sadly, those who seem to scream the loudest about diversity and acceptance, want their own way so badly - they refuse to see the value and integrity in honest disagreement. They also fail to see the value and humanity of those they disagree with.
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By AnonymJeff Dixon
Politicians kick the can and rarely get anything done. They look busy until the latest election cycle ends, then they wait until the next election cycle to ramp it up and get busy again.
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By AnonymJeff Dixon
That is the power of a good story. It can encourage you, it can make you laugh, it can bring you joy. It will make you think, it will tap innto your hidden emotions, and it can make you cry. The power of a story can also bring about healing, give you peace, and change your life!" (p.15)
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By AnonymJeff Dixon
We can disagree without being divisive. Sadly, those who seen to scream about diversity the loudest, want their way so badly - they refuse to see the value and integrity in honest disagreement. They also fail to see the value and worth of the person they might disagree with.
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By AnonymJeff Dixon
We live in a culture that seems wildly out of control. We have to learn to disagree without being disagreeable. And we have to decide that it is really OK to disagree with one another. It is possible but it takes work and most people don't really like to do the hard work it takes to make a change.
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By AnonymJeff Dixon
You can't do everything but you can do something!