Best 5 quotes of Adi Shankar on MyQuotes

Adi Shankar

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    Adi Shankar

    I don't subscribe to the school of thought that as a feature film producer I shouldn't dabble in television, web content, or even comic books...

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    Adi Shankar

    I have a burning desire to entertain and different mediums allow me to do this in different ways.

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    Adi Shankar

    I love acting. I'm able to express myself and not get made fun of for it.

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    Adi Shankar

    I’m here now, I’m inevitably going to die at some point, and as an artist I feel an ardent urge to constantly be creating.

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    Adi Shankar

    I went my whole life without winning anything and now all of a sudden after years of hard work my dreams were coming true all at once and I didn’t know how to deal with it. It felt like the world was changing its relationship with me but I had stayed the same.