Best 10 quotes of Nancy A. Collins on MyQuotes

Nancy A. Collins

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    Nancy A. Collins

    If it doesn't make you sweat, it's not worth it. If it's not hard to get, why go for it?

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    Nancy A. Collins

    My after forty face felt far more comfortable than anything I lived with previously.

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    Nancy A. Collins

    My after forty face felt far more comfortable than anything I lived with previously. Self-confidence was a powerful beauty-potion; I looked better because I felt better. Failure and grief as well as success and love had served me well. Finally, I was tapping into that most hard-won of your dews: wisdom.

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    Nancy A. Collins

    But I can tell you the reason for me being so youthful-looking for a man a century and a half old. I’m not exactly what you’d call human. Hell, I’m not human at all. The closest thing you might be able to relate me to is what’s known as a ‘werewolf’, but not the kind you see in picture shows that sprout hair and teeth every time there’s a full moon. The truth of my kind is a lot more complicated—and frightening—than that.

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    Nancy A. Collins

    Humans insist on defining reality by their standards. They are poorly equipped to do so, since they are selectively deaf and blind in one eye. They are beings with an insatiable need to categorize the universe that surrounds them, but demand that the facts reveal a universe suited for human cultivation and exploitation. Things must remain status quo.

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    Nancy A. Collins

    She pulled herself through the narrow window into the darkness, midwife to her own rebirth.

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    Nancy A. Collins

    They were Siamese twins, joined at the groin by a traitorous piece of meat.

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    Nancy A. Collins

    Things had gone badly at Hell House, although not quite as horribly as the '31 investigation. At least this time there were survivors, if you wanted to call being reduced to catatonia and raving lunacy 'surviving'.

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    Nancy A. Collins

    Time snapped and Hagerty found himself speeding toward the woman in the straitjacket. Grabbing her by the shoulders, he pulled her off the corpse and held her at arm's length. He caught a glimpse of Kalish's face and the shredded mess where his throat should have been.

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    Nancy A. Collins

    ... you cannot shake hands with the Devil and not get sulphur on your sleeve.