Best 194 quotes in «werewolf quotes» category

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    Emma convinced herself she'd lost him because she was fast. She was also adept at convincing herself of things that might not be - good at pretending. She could pretend she took classes at night by choice, and that blushing didn't make her thirsty-- A vicious growl sounded. Her eyes widened, but she didn't turn back, just sprinted across the field. She felt claws sink into her anckle a second before she was dragged to the muddy ground and thrown onto her back. A hand covered her mouth, though she'd been trained not to scream. "Never run from one such as me." Her attacker didn't sound human. "You will no' get away. And we like it." His voice was guttural like a beast's, breaking, yet his accent was... Scottish?

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    Fingers you, claws me, crossed hoping Dad sees it that way.

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    Fate and destiny go hand in hand. It is impossible to change our destiny. Only the path upon which we walk to reach our destination alters. If we should stray from that path, fate will take control and guide us in the right direction.

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    First, you must be certain that you are ready for knowledge. There are many things that we bury in our minds for a reason. Are you sure that you want to go digging up the past?”- Elsie (Marked Book #1) page 226

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    Fortunately, among werewolf women, the word "bitch" is not offensive. I was having a lot of fun with that. "Hey there, bitches!" I called as I came through the door. "What are my favorite bitches up to today?

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    He knew that people were staring at him. He looked different. Even different from other Erasers. He wasn't as —seamless. He didn't look as human as the rest of them did when they weren't morphed. He kind of looked morphy all the time. He hadn't seen his plain real face in —a long time. "I know who you are." Ari almost jumped —he hadn't noticed the boy slide onto the bench next to him. He frowned down at the small, open face. "What?" he growled. This was when the little boy would get scared and probably turn and run. It always happened. The boy smiled. "1 know who you are," he said, pointing at Ari happily. Ari just snarled at him. The boy wiggled with excitement. "You're Wolverine!" Ari stared at him. "You look awesome, dude," said the boy. "You're totally my favorite. You're the strongest one of all of them and the coolest too. I wish 1 was like you." Ari almost gagged. No one had ever, ever said anything like that to him.

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    He meant to find her, and make it so they would never part again. He lied to himself when he tried to believe it was curiosity and a desire to make sure she was okay that drove him to hunt her down time after time. It wasn’t about any of that really. He wanted her, and he waited for the chance to have her.”- Marc (Marked Book #1) page 38

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    He makes it sound so Zen. Or Jedi. Like some kind of Wolf Yoda. There is no try. And maybe that’s all there is to it. Don’t over-think the shift. Just embrace the form that I want to be in.

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    Her blue eyes glowed headlight red into my leafy greens. Those eyes were freaky.

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    He sighed. "Why do you think you're a werewolf." Jo took a deep breath. "I don't feel the cold. I can run very fast. I have acute senses. I heal quickly and for five days around a full moon, I'm desperate for sex and can never get enough." She looked straight at him. "What do you think?" "Well, I have heard your horrible howl." He shuddered. Jo hit him. "Ouch. Okay, turn round," he said. "Why?" "I want to see if you've got a tail." "Very funny." Alek smirked. "Yeah, it is. Do you like to stick your head out of the car window when you're going fast?

    • werewolf quotes
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    He wouldn't have been able to purchase this house if he wasn't so talented at tearing people down.

    • werewolf quotes
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    Hot tip: If you’re a human having a fling with a werewolf, break it off. Now.

    • werewolf quotes
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    I am a guardian of sorts.”- Liam (Marked Book #1) page 171

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    I am yours. Whatever you ask of me it is done.”- Marc (Marked Book #1) page 179

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    I'd expected to see yellow eyes, like a dog; instead, I realised as I stared back, that they weren't animal eyes... They were human eyes!

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    I don’t care if she’s wearing sweats or jeans or a dress,” Chris replied, shaking his head. “In fact, in my perfect world, she would be wearing nothing.

    • werewolf quotes
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    If Flynn hadn't known his older brother for the addicted, lying sack of shit he was, he might have believed the pain he saw in that gaze, might have trusted that Connor had finally seen the error of his ways and was going to change his life and step out of their father's shadow. But Connor usually only had an epiphany if it got him laid, increased his bank balance, or severely pissed off Rupert.

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    If it looked like a duck, and quacked like a duck, then guess what? It was probably a goddamned werewolf.

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    If only I could handle my problems like a video-game style battle against a boss. But there are no power-ups in real life. No FTW moment when I can declare total pwnage. I don’t even know who the bad guys are.

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    I got a whiff of minty fresh breath. Definitely not, what I'd expect from a wild wolf.

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    Now that I had run out of steam I realized I was in Ronan’s room, at night. He was standing there in a pair of boxers and nothing else. Gulp. Maybe I shouldn’t be too hasty to throw away this betrothal. Ew. Great, Grazi, why not just drool all over the boy in his underwear after you pretty much told him you wanted nothing to do with him? I’m such a freak. “Um, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I turned around and left as quickly as I had come in.

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    Instead of celebrating with a cake (too full of poisonous refined sugars) and presents (too materialistic), my mother would come into my room at exactly 3:57 A.M. to tell me the story of my miraculous emergence into this world, as if it was some fairy tale. Although I supposed few fairy tales involved the words 'vaginal flowering'.

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    Is it wrong to protect your heart?”- Marc (Marked Book #1) page 130

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    Is there more to see?" Brixton asks. "No. Just a long walk back to hope.

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    I swear it looked like she wanted her words to slither around us and go out the door unheard.

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    It’s so lame. Of all the colors in the rainbow we could have gotten, we get purple. Why don’t we just morph into purple dinosaurs named Barney instead of werewolves, too?

    • werewolf quotes
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    It's what we do, we continue on. Yet, what is the point? There is nothing ahead of us when there is nothing left of us.

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    It takes two, and each couple’s bonding experience is different, just like falling in love is different for each couple. What it comes down to acceptance of whatever that common ground you share is that makes your bonding one that will last

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    It was cold, dark & lonely in the great cathedral-like chambers, with only coffins and corpses for company.

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    Valerie Sherwood, I said to myself, you're going to die.

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    I've fallen in love with you. I love you even now when you sit before me with the eyes of a wolf. So take pity upon the fool I have become. I forgot it was only a bargain between us.

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    I want something that'll give me the stamina of a young werewolf, the vision of a shaman, the thoughts of a serial killer and the gentleness of a hungry vampire bat.

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    I went home and tried to sleep, but couldn't, so I stared up at the moon, watching how it's trailing edge faded into darkness, so close to being full, but not quite there. A pregnant moon, Grandma called it. Full almost to bursting, and ready to give birth to something unthinkable.

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    Looking deeper, I see not subjugation, but a tool of power to control my fate in the world of man that symbolizes my ownership over both my nature spirit and wolf-self.

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    Love may be on the horizon, but beware something wicked this way comes.

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    Makes sense, the earth is quick to consume the flesh of things that ain't natural.

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    Max,' I said, looking up at him, 'I love the Russian heritage you guys are so willing to share, but I'm not so thrilled with the French.' 'What?' His brows lowered. 'We're not French.' 'Great. So the next time you feel the need to kiss me, keep your tongue out of my mouth!

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    Maybe she saw the sweet persimmon sunrise─or maybe she was already too far gone.

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    Middling monsters died at the point of pitchforks, burned with torches, or at the butt of silver-capped canes wielded by angry, geriatric Poles. Middling people were dime-a-dozen, emptied souls, shorn sheeple, human husks. A good monster didn’t worry about what it was doing; it just did it. A true predator didn’t worry about guilt, or being popular, or anything. It just cruised along, living for the kill, surviving. A good person, well, she’d put a bullet in her head or weigh her feet down and throw herself into the Chicago River, holding her breath until she went to the sludgy, filthy bottom, and had to open wide and breathe water until she died.

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    My body slid from human to wolf in a crack! of black smoke. Wolf was panting and I watched frost dissipate on my hot tongue, sending tiny rivulets of steam into the air. The world was sharp and clear, and I never realized how many different colors of shadow there were. It made me savor the dark beauty of night even more.

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    Ridiculous! I couldn’t marry, mate, or whatever it entailed with Zane. He was a werewolf. With my assorted background I was all for interracial relationships. Interspecies? — The jury was still out on that possibility.

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    Sally's head plopped into the shallow water and rolled face up. For a while, the changing shades of pinks and oranges reflected across the surface of her dead eyes.

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    Sam: “I—it’s—I’m not an animal.

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    She couldn't detach from him, couldn't catch her breath, and didn't want to. Not ever again.

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    She didn't pick her way over the terrain like she was afraid of slipping on the ice...She glided over it with long confident strides. Her hands were in her vest pockets. Her eyes were Susannah.

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    She once told him about the mysterious trampled-down places found in fields, which the peasants superstitiously called werewolves' nests. Coming across one of these sites, she fell to her knees and buried her face in the flattened yellow grasses, hoping to inhale the odor of a werewolf, a csordásfarkas. As if his scent was a charm. She smelled nothing but hay burned by the afternoon sun.

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    Excuse me, Mr. Yeti, I know we locked you up in a cage and you're pissed as hell, but do you think you could slap the ham for me? And when you cum, could you aim for this little tiny cup that you could easily crush with your huge Yeti hands...

    • werewolf quotes
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    Fire and ice licked at his soul—whispered his name—drawing him deeper into the enveloping pain and blackness as he’d dreamed earlier. He suddenly wished to return to the rippling stream. The water would wash away the blistering pain…the fire…the burn. He’d wade deeper…submit to the current… He’d let go…

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    He gently kissed that scar and felt something changing inside him - just a flutter of change, there and gone, but leaving its mark.

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    He has been mad for you these many months, ever since you prodded him in the nether regions with a hedgehog.