Best 316 quotes in «hospitality quotes» category

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    Just so sure as one puts on any old rag, and thinks nobody will come, company is sure to call.

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    My son loves the Hotel du Cap, in the south of France.

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    Life is about learning; when you stop learning, you die.

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    Maine's motto is "Vacationland," but as far as I'm concerned, it should be, "Maine: Putting the 'spite' in hospitality since 1820.

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    On the stage of the Italian Terrace Room in the William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1938 ... the place where Champagne Music was born.

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    Provision is the foundation of hospitality, and thrift the fuel of magnificence.

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    Just when did I get to the point when staying at a hotel wasn't fun?

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    No, Sir, you will have much more influence by giving or lending money where it is wanted, than by hospitality.

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    Show me a religion that doesn't care about compassion. Show me a religion that doesn't care about stewardship of the environment. Show me a religion that doesn't care about hospitality.

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    Sir Patrick Rackrent lived and died a monument of old Irish hospitality.

    • hospitality quotes
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    suffering is as necessary to entertaining as vermouth is to a Martini - a small but vital ingredient.

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    The atmosphere breathes rest and comfort, and the many chambers seem full of welcomes.

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    The ability to plan for what has not yet happened, for a future that has only been imagined, is one of the hallmarks of leadership.

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    The answer was that in Burundi, having a clean bill of health has taken on a very particular meaning: unless and until you have paid for your hospital treatment, you simply can't leave, you are in effect a captive.

    • hospitality quotes
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    The Iraqi people are some of the warmest people you'll meet in your life. They are extremely receptive to strangers. Their hospitality is immense.

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    The hospitality of the wigwam is only limited by the institution of war.

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    There is an emanation from the heart in genuine hospitality which cannot be described, but is immediately felt and puts the stranger at once at his ease.

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    The good guest is almost invisible, enjoying him or herself, communing with fellow guests, and, most of all, enjoying the generous hospitality of the hosts.

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    The toad has indeed no superior as a destroyer of noxious insects, and he possesses no bad habits and is entirely inoffensive himself, every owner of a garden should treat him with utmost hospitality.

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    We have absolute trust in our employees. In fact, we are partners with them.

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    The wise leader settles for good work and then lets others have the floor.

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    Those who pass their lives in foreign travel find they contract many ties of hospitality, but form no friendships.

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    We don't welcome the naked and hungry so they can be naked and hungry in our company. We clothe and feed. Hospitality is not toleration but transformation.

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    When Byrd came out of there, he had written a lot things while he was in the hospital.

    • hospitality quotes
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    The job of the leader is to speak to the possibility.

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    True Hospitality is welcoming the stranger on her own terms. This kind of hospitality can only be offered by those who've found the center of their lives in their own hearts.

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    Well, I was born in El Paso, Texas, it was in the nearest hospital to the family farm.

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    We shall always keep a spare corner in our heads to give passing hospitality to our friends' opinion.

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    When hospitality becomes an art it loses its very soul.

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    When I was on my own in a hotel room in Romania, I had the imagination to keep myself occupied.

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    When I was a rapper, the groupies didn't have to try too hard with me. Just show up at the hotel.

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    According to a research by Wharton School, New York Times articles which inspires the most anger in readers get a significant boost in page views. That’s why most consultants are so damn angry all the time.

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    You're at the hotel and after that you go to the venue and sit there and wait.

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    Adapt. Or Don't.  But, Whatever The Choice, Be Prepared To Accept Its Consequences

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    A (good) hotel photo shoot begins way before the photographer even grabs his cutting-edge technology camera. It begins with a meticulous shoot planning. So make sure to hire a pro, who knows the industry (Yeah, I know, everybody has a cousin who’s pretty good with Photoshop and owns an Iphone X, thanks but no, thanks).

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    A hotel is not a farm and it does not always pay to buy local, not even on an ethical level. The web reshaped the geography of the World and it is now easier to reach a 24/7 customer service in India or in the Philippines than your IT manager living two blocks from you. Keep it in mind next time your servers crash in the middle of the night.

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    AI is already mainstream. It's just not very visible

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    Ai Will Replace The Entire Human Workforce. As Workers, We Will Become A Mere Curiosity From A Distant Time

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    A life of hospitality begins in worship, with a recognition of God's grace and generosity. Hospitality is not first a duty and responsibility; it is first a response of love and gratitude for God's love and welcome to us.

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    All true friendliness begins with fire and food and drink and the recognition of rain or frost. ...Each human soul has in a sense to enact for itself the gigantic humility of the Incarnation. Every man must descend into the flesh to meet mankind.

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    Amazon claims that Alexa commands are deleted daily, and that hotel staff cannot access the recording anyway, but will that always be the case?

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    An important milestone in the history of web design has been the birth of MySpace and Facebook and the advent of social networks, at the beginning of the 21st century. The websites began to adapt to this new level of interactivity, and companies finally understood the importance of placing their users at the centre of the web experience. If, up until that moment, designers and coders used to create aesthetically pleasing interfaces based merely on their clients’ requests, they then started moving to a more user-centric approach. Web research began to focus more and more on the study of websites usability, navigation fluidity and on the easiness of interaction.

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    As a dinner guest I gratefully eat just about anything that's set before me, because graciousness among friends is dearer to me than any other agenda.

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    A simple 15-second action such as hiding an electric cable can save up to 15 minutes on Photoshop.

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    Absolutisms Are Good For T-shirts, Not For Marketing

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    A custom existed among the first generations of Christians, when faith was a bright fire that warmed more than those who kept it burning. In every house then a room was kept ready for any stranger who might ask for shelter; it was even called “the stranger’s room.” Not because these people thought they could trace something of someone they loved in the stranger who used it, not because the man or woman to whom they gave shelter reminded them of Christ, but because—plain and simple and stupendous fact—he or she was Christ.

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    After over a decade of monopoly in the online distribution, the major OTAs had to (at least partially) reinvent themselves, by diversifying and broaden their products in order to stay relevant. Because, if up until now metasearch engines merely aggregated third-party data, they now provide the option to complete one’s reservation without even leaving the result page. And that, for an OTA, is a problem.

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    All these years! All this time with us -- have you learned nothing?! You only live by the grace of our clan's tenet of forgiveness! Your judgement is shit! Rectitude is the bone that gives firmness and stature. Without decency, neither talent nor learning can make the human frame into a samurai.

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    A multitude of design trends has come and passed over the years, often conditioned by external technology innovations, such as the birth of social media or the first iPhone. From the 90’s guest counters and solitary guestbooks to skeuomorphism, from flat design to parallax scrolling, the core of any good website has always been and will always be the user experience.

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    Analysts analyze. Designers design. Coders Code. Just deal with it.