Best 225 quotes in «heavy quotes» category

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    Hold your head high heavy heart.

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    How will I ever get out of this labyrinth!" to a margin note written in her loop-heavy cursive: Straight & Fast.

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    Hundreds of barefoot Filipinos marched on the roads through the Philippines carrying heavy wooden crosses and whipping their backs until they bled to prepare for Easter. Call me old-fashioned but I just like coloring the eggs.

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    I believe in JesusAn' what the Bible saidAn' I am fairly certainHe had himself a heavy head.He scared the lyin' peopleSo bad, they hung him deadAn' they never even listenedTo what he really said.

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    I always lift weights very heavy and spend a lot of time in the weight room.

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    Humor makes our heavy burdens light and smoothes the rough spots in our pathways.

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    I detest heavy perfume and shrill voices.

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    I can't bear to finish things, beyond a certain point they get heavy. There's something so dead about a finished painting.

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    I am really heavy into songwriting.

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    I do not buy repentance at so heavy a cost as a thousand drachmae.

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    I did all my heavy partying before I turned sixteen.

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    I did all the work at the beginning up until the point where I couldn't handle the increasingly heavy art production burden alone. I needed, and got, assistance.

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    I don't get into heavy political numbers because I don't find them lyrical.

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    I felt that the Star Wars series became very pretentious as time went on. Just heavy and leaden.

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    I don't know what heavy penance could have come to mind that frequently I would not have gladly undertaken rather than recollect myself in the practice of prayer.

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    If God can do anything he can make a stone so heavy that even he can't lift it. Then there is something God cannot do, he cannot lift the stone. Therefore God does not exist.

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    I find that the people who don't eat as much candy are really into heavy protein, like steak. I don't eat that.

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    If we fail to interest, whether because we are dull and heavy, or because our hearers are so, we teach in vain.

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    I have observed that baseball is not unlike war, and when you get right down to it, we batters are the heavy artillery.

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    I lift heavy weights and sprint, but I am so bad at it that I develop severe injuries.

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    I'm a really smiley person, so I've just learned when I'm doing my own makeup, I have to make sure it's smile ready and not too heavy. As amazing as the Victoria Beckham pout is for photos, I just can't do it!

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    I never get tired of running. The ball ain't that heavy.

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    I played Iris Murdoch, who had not long died, and I felt the responsibility very heavy on my shoulders.

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    I read that heavy drinking is bad for your health. I decided I better stop reading.

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    It can be difficult to present mental illness in film without resorting to devices that, if not handled well, can seem heavy-handed or cliché.

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    I don't do heavy weights at all.

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    If hours did not hang heavy, what would become of scandal?

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    If one's conscience be dead as a stone, it is as heavy too.

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    I fought windmills with such heavy weapons that I risked dislocating my arm.

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    If the Holy Spirit is capable of the heavy lifting required to get Pat Robertson to change his mind, then that strikes me as a very good sign.

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    I have my misgivings about 3-D. I don't like the lack of blacks and whites, how it dulls the image, how the color gets corrupted. I don't necessarily like the experience of having heavy glasses in front of me.

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    I have to take what I say and make it heavy, so every single bar means something. And there's no riddles in my rhymes. Every single word means something.

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    I like everything to be dependable, heavy, English furniture.

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    I like going to see live bands. Live bands can be quite heavy, but I think it's very relaxing at the same time because you feel so happy and chilled-out.

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    In fact any experiment that measures a quantum effect is one in which the quantum effect is aligned with the behavior of some heavy, macroscopic object; that's how we measure it

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    In the past, I was working out too heavy.

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    I paid too heavy a price for perestroika.

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    Is god omnipotent ? If he is, can he create a rock so heavy he can't lift it ?

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    I thank God who slowly dressed me in a heavy skin, otherwise I would now be dead.

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    I think we should have a very, very heavy tax on handguns and on bullets.

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    I train, for me, very smartly. I don't train heavy, I do a lot of isometrics.

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    It was still the custom of the countryside to build with local materials produced as close to the selected site as possible, for transport was difficult, even the best of country roads being more fitted for horseback traffic rather than heavy loads.

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    I've fallen down crevasses, been bitten by snakes, been knocked unconscious, had various limbs broken and once, a heavy camera came plunging down which very nearly decapitated me.

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    I've used too many pistols in too many movies. They're kind of heavy to carry.

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    I thought for a minute, and then I got heavy, heavy boots.

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    It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that have to announce that I ate kale and liked it.

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    I've attained my mass basically by training hard and very, very heavy.

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    I've been ignored by prettier women than you, but none who carried the heavy pitchers of silence so far, without spilling a drop.

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    I've worked with a lot of real heavy hitters, and Quentin is maybe heads and shoulders, at least a forehead, above just about anybody I've ever worked with.

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    I would really like to do a straight action movie, that's hardcore, heavy action, like 'The Expendables' or 'Fast Five.'