Best 3 quotes of Janaka Stucky on MyQuotes

Janaka Stucky

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    Janaka Stucky

    If you've ever been in a romantic relationship and you say or do something that hurts your partner and then your partner is upset about it, it doesn't actually matter whether what you did had the intention that your partner thought it did. What matters is that the emotions are real. You can't invalidate that.

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    Janaka Stucky

    When people talk about imagination, they tend to think of fantasy or something made-up. But really imagination is a mode of perception. Which is maybe why so many artists have turned to the occult. Artists tend to feel like outsiders. Whether they are actually outsiders or not is also kind of irrelevant.

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    Janaka Stucky

    With all the innovation in music today it’s rare to find someone like Engel writing timeless songs that sound at home in the ribcage of rock n roll’s skeleton.